crime and punishment local leaders property rights

Rights Violations Close to Home


Connor Boyack, founder of Utah’s Libertas Institute, has earned a reputation combating the dangerous no-​knock raids characteristic of the War on Drugs/​People. The point of these raids is not to defuse a violent situation, but to hunt for drugs or arrest a slumbering, peaceful home-​dweller. Sometimes people die as a result.

Now Boyack is fighting to reverse a stealthier assault on Utahans — the latest legislative weakening of protections against wrongful seizure of property passed in 2000 by citizen initiative.

The changes, put over as a minor “recodification” of civil forfeiture law, make it almost impossible for an innocent victim of a property grab by police to recover legal costs. For one thing, compensation is now optional. For another, any compensation awarded is now limited to a mere fifth of the value of the property taken. Yet the cost of litigating such takings is often much greater than the property value.

Boyack hopes to persuade Utah officials who do care about individual liberty to pay more attention to close-​to-​home hazards.

“One thing I noticed at the Tenth Amendment Center is that while liberty-​minded Utah legislators could join arms to [oppose] the federal government, they weren’t nearly as skeptical of the government here in Utah,” he says, quoted in a profile by Rise of the Warrior Cop author Radley Balko.

Boyack champions greater consistency. After all, when your rights are violated, the injustice and the harm are the same whether the perpetrator is local, state or federal.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

2 replies on “Rights Violations Close to Home”

Here’s a topic not covered nearly enough:


Why should JP Morgan continue to deserve a bank charter after the latest corruption payoff to their partner in crime – The US Government. To wit:


By Danielle Douglas, Tuesday, January 7, 9:49 AM E‑mail the writer
The Justice Department announced Tuesday a $1.7 billion settlement with JPMorgan Chase to resolve allegations that the behemoth bank did not warn the government of Bernard L. Madoff’s Ponzi scheme.

Federal prosecutors say JPMorgan, which served as Madoff’s bank for two decades, failed to comply with a federal law that requires banks to file a “suspicious activity” report when a transaction raises alarm. The nation’s biggest bank reported its suspicions of Madoff’s business to British authorities in 2008 but did not alert anyone in the United States.


These are not stupid people. They knew what was going on years before it blew. Knowledgable traders OFTEN said things like, “we never see him in the market! He’s running a $50b portfolio and nobody does business with him.”

You can always count on a government organization, to not want any limits on what they can do. Even if their constitution says otherwise, as they do.

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