crime and punishment education and schooling ideological culture Second Amendment rights

Wear NRA T‑shirt, Go to Jail


In April, eighth-​grader Jared Marcum was arrested for refusing to change a T‑shirt with the National Rifle Association logo, a picture of a rifle, and the words “Protect Your Right.” The 14-​year-​old now faces a possible $500 fine … and up to a year in prison.

Jared had bean wearing the shirt in the cafeteria when a teacher demanded he either change it or reverse it. He refused and was sent to “the office,” where he again refused. And then a police officer was called in.

According to press accounts, when Jared was sent to the principal’s office, he went. Doesn’t sound like he posed a threat to anybody. Why was the cop called in?

Jared did nothing to “obstruct” the officer — the charge that may send him to prison — except reportedly continue talking when asked to stop. If so, sounds like poor judgment, given the power over us that police have. Maybe it would be good for Jared not to remain 14 years old indefinitely. He will probably grow older even if not sent to prison, however.

What the whole controversy comes down to is this: The kid peaceably displayed a pro-​rights sentiment which a particular teacher happened to dislike. Logan County Schools’ dress code doesn’t prohibit references to the Bill of Rights — indeed, it doesn’t prohibit messages on clothing unless they contain “profanity, violence, discriminatory messages or sexually suggestive phrases.”

One hopes that the school doesn’t regard a defense of the Second Amendment as “violent,”  and therefore worthy of prohibition.

Nor does wearing a pro-​NRA shirt deserve the threat of a year in prison.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

12 replies on “Wear NRA T‑shirt, Go to Jail”

Several have commented on this on various sites. Really a frightening development. 14 years old and committed no crime, but could have his life ruined…seems we are starting to make a practice of punishing brave young men with prison when they stand on principle.


I wish I was local, I would defend his, and therefore all of our rights, pro bono. This is an abomination and should be thrown out at the preliminary exam, if it gets that far.

That this “case” has come this far is a travesty. We all suspect it goes nowhere and is dismissed. But even if it is, for a 14-​yr old (and his parents) to spend anytime worrying about prison for wearing a T‑shirt is a crime. 

The likely political intent behind it all even more evil.

One more instance in which we’ve become strangers in a strange land.

The DOJ does not defend the Constitution. The people that live in this area can though. They only have this sort of bureaucrats if they are willing to put up with it. People get the kind of government that they deserve and they deserve whatever they are willing to settle for.

Jared and his parents are American heroes. The school bureaucrats, principle, teacher, and the policeman that allowed this to continue are most assuredly NOT American heroes and are American in name only.
The Logan County sherriff that supervises this policeman is up for election at some point. That one of his employees participated in this certainly calls HIS competence into question as well.

First for the young man, demand a trial by a jury of your peers.
For the rest of the community, a concerted effort for a large body of students to wear a similar shirt on a given day each week.

The linked report states “The Logan County Police Department initially claimed that Marcum, an 8th grader at Logan Middle School at the time, had disturbed the educational process.”

The one who disturbed the educational process, and should be charged and tried for it, is the teacher who sent the child to the principal’s office. 

At no time did the kid interfere with the police. All he did was stand up for his rights. Apparently government employees at the school don’t like that. Which is another reason to end the government school monopoly. 

This would allow parents who don’t want kids wearing NRA t‑shirts, to send their kids to schools that don’t allow it. And vice versa.

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