government transparency tax policy

The Block Stops Here


We were initially told that the IRS had apologized to Tea Party and patriot groups for blocking them from non-​profit tax status.

But there has been no apology.

Instead, last Friday, Lois Lerner, the head of the tax-​exempt division of the Internal Revenue Service, confided to a group of tax attorneys at an American Bar Association conference in Washington. She admitted that the IRS had indeed been guilty of unfairly delaying and blocking Tea Party and conservative groups from establishing tax-​exempt organizations, as these dissident groups had been complaining about for years.

Who was to blame? Only mere “low-​level employees” — no senior management, heaven forfend.

Then it was disclosed that senior IRS muckety-​mucks actually knew in 2011 — well before the IRS commissioner assured Congress that the agency wasn’t doing precisely what it was doing. Now, latest disclosures put the beginning of the political bias policy all the way back to 2010.

Of course, the IRS vehemently denies that politics played any role.

And what about Barack “buck-​stops-​here” Obama?

“I first learned about it from the same news reports that I think most people learned about this,” the president said in response to a question, adding, “I think it was on Friday.”

In denial, the president spun, “If, in fact, IRS personnel engaged in the kind of practices that had been reported on and were intentionally targeting conservative groups” and “if you’ve got the IRS operating in anything less than a neutral and non-​partisan way, then … it is contrary to our traditions.”

Well, if these ifs weren’t so (traditionally?) evasive, we might take the prez seriously.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

8 replies on “The Block Stops Here”

Obama lie? never. Benghazi –like a play by Shakespeare Much Ado About Nothing.

He would probably see how to blame (former) Pres. Bush (or anyone else) but not someone that he appointed or has his views.

In Europe, Italians have “citizens’ ” groups on facebook encouraging and enabling people to turn in those suspected of not paying their taxes, or if a vender does not give a receipt. These European countries, having run themselves so deeply into debt, and destroyed their energy sectors through renewables, and handed their sovereignty to the EU, then claim to be able to solve their problems by stopping the “culture of tax evasion.” 

The take home point is, we need a flat tax. In discussions I have had with Europeans on the subject, smug progressives actually argue that someone who does not pay all their taxes is robbing them personally; that must be why they have no qualms about setting up systems for the purpose of turning in neighbors.


“If Italians are really going to fight this economic crisis,” Corinaldesi said, “there is only one place for us to start. We have to look at ourselves. We have to look at tax evasion.”

It is no surprise that conservatives, and tea parties, have been targeted by the ever expanding central government for special scrutiny.
They have long been the declared enemy of the progressive centralists. That they would be targeted is actually hopeful, as it means they are being taken seriously.
The government will deny, claim error, and maybe even apologize, but this is just the beginning.

Paul, taking on the IRS, which basically is an unsupervised band of bullies that make inscrutable laws, is a dangerous undertaking. I’d watch over my shoulder at night, if I were you.
& Paulina West is right, FLAT TAX, would eliminate problems & stop the IRS terror reign.

Obama’s been telling us he’s learning about these events when he sees it on TV. 

He learned that Osama was dead when he saw himself on TV announcing it.

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