What do the JFK assassination files and an obscure booklet called “The Adam and Eve Story” have in common?
Both are examples of how the CIA and other Deep State actors keep us guessing and in the dark: by over-classification.
A “sanitized” copy of Chan Thomas’s immortal classic of seeming ultra-nuttery, the aforementioned “Adam and Eve Story,” was de-classified in 2013. Now on the CIA’s website, it floats a wild theory about human history and life on this planet, complete with repeated global, world-turned-on-end catastrophes.
Most people had never heard of the work until de-classified and placed on the website. The Wikipedia entry mentions the de-classification of the document but not why it was classified as secret in the first place.
Here’s a theory: to confuse us.
The only reason most people ever give the booklet a second glance is because the CIA made it secret.
Now turn to the present, with something circulating today as “evidence” from the recent release of backlogged JFK assassination documents: a summary of passages in the New Left journal Ramparts, June 1967. It reproduces a rumor about one Gary Underhill and his alleged blurting out that “a small clique within the CIA was responsible” for the shooting in Dealey Plaza.
All the rage online, but this document was merely the re-regurgitation of public information — which is what an awful lot of classified material is.
We take note of this Underhill story not because it proves anything, but because the report was made secret in the first place.
It’s almost as if they want some people to believe something, and others to scoff at it all.
But maybe what they are doing is burying us in useless “information.”
This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.
Illustration created with Krea and Firefly
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1 reply on “De-Classification or Re-Regurgitation?”
For my part, I’m wondering how much time will pass before an admission that a cache of further documents concerning the JFK assassination were withheld.