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Of 15s and the Man

Paul Jacob on the POTUS’s latest implausibility.

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time,” Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1787 regarding Shays’ Rebellion, “with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”

Earlier this week, “in a mocking tone,” reports The New York Post, President Joe Biden asked, “How much have you heard this phrase, ‘the blood of liberty … washes those’” — before exclaiming, “Give me a break!”

Biden continued, “No, I mean it. Seriously. And, by the way, if they want to think they can take out government if we get out of line, which they are talking again about, well guess what, they need F‑15s.”

Hmmm. Our commander-​in-​chief has obviously contemplated whether or not ‘We, the People’ are capable of replacing or “tak[ing] out” the current regime, should Mr. Biden and his administration “get out of line.”

He doesn’t think we can do it.

Because Joe has F‑15s at his disposal and … well, we do not.

As with many issues, however, our president is sorely mistaken. You see, unlike the citizenry of most countries, Americans united have a firepower advantage over our government. That is the way it should be — how, with the Second Amendment, our founders designed the system.

The truth is, the president’s F‑15s cannot strafe us into submission. Nor will his bombers and nuclear weapons. Provided modern-​day patriots have the AR-​15 — today’s musket — and sufficient numerical support among 300-​million-​plus American citizens, the people could and would defeat any president’s high-​tech weaponry.

Without a fight if the president has any sense, citizen control of government prevails.

And there is also November. It’s an imperfect world.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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5 replies on “Of 15s and the Man”

If the United States [sic!] have enough fire-​power to defeat America [sic!], then why didn’t the United States defeat the Taliban? Various answers might be proposed. 

In any case, this occasion is not the first upon which Biden has boasted of having the fire-​power to defeat Americans, should they rebel. His felt need to make such remarks — and the felt need of his base to hear and to read such remarks — arises from the desire of the left forceably to overpower their opponents.

We have the opportunity of taking them out every couple of years, unless they have figured out how to rig the election. Like using the 10 to 12 techniques that utilize the built in vulnerabilities of the electronic voting machines that were detailed in the Halderman Report. That suggest that the election results could be adjusted easily to provide any results desired. Then we’d be back to needing F‑15s. Or perhaps a 300 million member militia.

Mr. Biden is mistaken, and does not understand that no violence would be necessary for a ““successful” overthrowing of the Federal Government. It is the goivernment which is dependant of the people of America.
In the event of a “revolt” if the citizens (individual and corporate) refused to tender their taxes the government(s) of America would wither and fail almost immediately.
I do not believe the armed forces would attack the citizens wholesale, or that the government has sufficient forces and material to truly subjugate the entire population.
The Second Amendment is another and positive factor.
Mr. Biden is playing a bully and like most of them cannot prevail. That he is willing to make such statements (multiple times) is clear evidence that he is not understanding of his oath of office, and likely well past his sell by date.
This for the man and party who tells us and wishes we will believe his competition is the threat to liberty and self-governance.
Hopefully the majority of the electorate are not the fools the DNC and Mr. Biden think they are.

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