“I’m sympathetically diminished.”
That’s how legal analyst Jonathan Turley described President Joe Biden’s “victory lap” over news that special counsel Robert Hur would not charge Mr. Biden with felonies for his “willful” mishandling and disclosure of classified documents.
You see, in the special counsel’s “searing” 300-plus-page report, one reason for not prosecuting Sleepy Joe is that investigators found our president’s “memory was significantly limited.” In interviews, Biden couldn’t “remember when his son Beau died,” CNN explained, “nor the years he was vice president.”
Sure, it’s hard to testify about past criminal willfulness if one cannot remember the past.
“Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him,” the special counsel points out, “as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”
Ah, our 81-year-old commander-in-chief! Where did I put those nuclear codes?
Mr. Biden is “someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt.”
Yes, I certainly have my own misgivings about our commander’s … er, cognitive skills. How can a man incompetent to stand trial possibly be competent to preside over the federal government?
Biden’s personal attorney Bob Bauer and White House counsel Richard Sauber expressed their own doubts “that the report’s treatment of President Biden’s memory is accurate or appropriate.”
They claim “a lack of recall” is “a commonplace occurrence among witnesses.”
If not leaders of the free world.
Is our major party choice for president going to be between a sitting chief executive who cannot be charged for criminal conduct because he is “not all there” and one who can be and is being prosecuted, strangely disadvantaged by his pre-octogenarian mental acuity?
This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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(simplified and organized)
5 replies on “Sympathetically Diminished”
Biden was never very bright, had two cerebral aneurysms in 1988 that left him discernibly impaired, and from that sad state had gone into age-related cognitive decline before the 2020 General Election. But a huge share of the population looked the other way when told to do so by the mainstream of the media.
The rank-and-file of the political left, by playing-along, have denied themselves any rôle in selecting who will be the Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party in the 2024 General Election. The decision has been made to remove Biden, but not to do so in time for the nominee to be selected in the ordinary way. The rank-and-file will just have to accept the choice of the party leadership. But the rank-and-file will act thrilled, as if the nominee were just whom they’d always wanted.
If the leadership do not indeed overplay their hand, then they will at least come very close to doing so, because the struggle has become quite desperate.
Why didn’t they simply refer to the OLC ruling that a sitting president cannot be indicted? The reference to Biden’s failing mental faculties could have waited until he was out of office. It suggests that the DNC is gearing up to replace Biden on the ballot, by one mechanism or another.
Interesting that they won’t prosecute him because of his faulty memory, but have no problem with him continuing to act as president of the U.S.
Really bad day for the Obiden cartel.
I had always expected that they would try to ride Joe’s decline to 2024 election. Or if looked like he wouldn’t last, then they would run a false flag operation that would either cripple or remove him, but laying the questionable blame on someone that they could associate with the radical, “fascist”, right wing, Trumper Republicans. And then harp on that at an increasing crescendo right into the election, playing to their low info base. And they would then be able to ride herd or ignore Kamala’s likely diva embracing of the trapping of the office as long as she willingly delegated virtually ALL of the daily operations to the cartel. I figured they could throw enough mud that it would overshadow the necessary cheating to skew the results again.
But now… the libprogs are faced with themselves having to be the bad guy and taking Joe out of office and then being responsible for the bad results in the interim. Their choice and their fault. No way to gracefully jump ship to Newsome or Michelle without carrying the mud along.
Trump, like Biden, seems to have the “mental acuity” of a turnip.