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The Natural Immunity We Need

“This is two years too late,” said Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, “but it’s a good step.”

Interviewed by The Epoch Times, Dr. Bhattacharya, professor of medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine, is talking about new official COVID-​19 guidelines by the Centers for Disease Control.

The CDC no longer recommends

  • the six-​foot “social distancing” rule, which led to maximum comfort for paranoiacs, introverts, and Scandinavians in supermarkets and other public spaces;
  • that the unvaccinated quarantine after exposure;
  • testing for the asymptomatic; and
  • contact tracing outside of hospitals and places like nursing homes.

Bhattacharya’s interpretation of all this is that the “CDC is admitting it was wrong here, although they won’t put it in those words.”

Much of the new regimen is the result of understanding that natural immunity is a huge factor in the epidemiology of the disease. Bhattacharya’s complaint is that this has always been the case, and that the CDC and government lockdowners should have recognized this early on.

While the expert class has inflicted much damage, the CDC continues to whistle past the graveyard. “We’re in a stronger place today as a nation,” the author of the new guidelines insists, “with more tools — like vaccination, boosters, and treatments — to protect ourselves, and our communities, from severe illness from COVID-​19.” 

But to get those mediocre-​at-​best vaccines past regulatory hurdles, government-​directed medicine suppressed information about (and public discussion of) the most basic tools we have to treat new diseases. Governments at many levels, along with social media companies and CNN and many doctoring outfits, actively suppressed a number of treatments that could have saved lives, with HCQ and Ivermectin being only the most infamous.

The natural immunity we need to encourage most is skepticism toward government bureaucrats and Big Pharma flacks.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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4 replies on “The Natural Immunity We Need”

Pressed, the technocrats will claim that the new guidelines make sense under the present circumstances, but would not have made sense during earlier stages of the pandemic. 

Gradually, the medical literature will move towards a conclusion that the policies pursued at the outset were almost perfectly opposite of what should have been done; but those in the commanding heights of the culture will avoid discussion of that conclusion, and some new crisis will be used to justify still further intrusions by the state into our lives. 

By treating some propositions not merely as common sense but as if they are so clearly obvious that no one should imagine a need to question them, let alone to answer questioning of them, those in the commanding heights of culture are able to lead a large share of the public into very great absurdities.

They are still pushing the lie that the “Vaccines are approved”, which they are not, and doubtful they ever will be.
Comirnaty was “approved” by the FDA, but is not available in the United States, most likely because they wouldn’t be protected from damage lawsuits if they did release it.

Skepticism is rapidly evolving into cynicism. That’s what these people did with their actions over the last two years. And it’s ongoing, with all the censorship and harassment of those who don’t believe the jab works and who have the scientific evidence to prove it.
Trust the CDC? Never again!

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