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Optimized for Attack

Whence came this pandemic? 

Now that we can investigate the lab leak theory without being smeared as conspiracy nuts or buried in an avalanche of disinformation from China, the World Health Organization, and the U.S. scientific community — all protected in their deceit by Big Tech and our mainstream media — we might make progress in our inquiries.

On June 29, in a little-​covered hearing before Republican-​only members of the House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Select Coronavirus Crisis, several renowned scientists testified, most notably Dr. Richard Muller, emeritus professor of physics at Cal-Berkeley.

“I would like to emphasize five points,” Muller stated, “each of which is capable of separating or distinguishing between a natural origin — a zoonotic origin — and the lab origin” of SARS-​CoV‑2: 

  1. “The absence of pre-​pandemic infections,” which he called “unprecedented”;
  2. “The absence of a host animal” (which was lied about early on); 
  3. “The unprecedented genetic purity.… Again, MIRS, SARS, previous viruses don’t have this, but it is exactly what you would expect if you’ve gone through gain-of-function”; 
  4. “The spike mutation … there is no known way for that spike mutation to get there except by gene mutation in a laboratory”; 
  5. “This virus was optimized to attack humans. Again, something that has never happened in natural releases — but it does happen if you run it through the gain-of-function.”

“All the scientific evidence argues in favor of the laboratory origin,” he concluded. “The evidence in favor of the natural, zoonotic origin? There isn’t any.”

But here comes the even bigger story, one that Dr. Muller called “horrifying” and “chilling.”

Muller had asked colleagues to assist in his lab-​leak investigation. But they declined to help because that would anger China, which would then blacklist those labs. 

“The idea that China has managed to interfere, to break United States’ freedom of expression, freedom of investigation, freedom of thought, through this collaboration effort,” the doctor explained, “is really scary.” 

If you think the Chinazis are merely a threat to “their own people” and neighboring Taiwan and countries bordering the South China Sea … think again.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Note: Here and here are links to additional testimony at that June 29th hearing. Coverage of Dr. Muller’s testimony first appeared in these pages as a “Thought.”

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6 replies on “Optimized for Attack”

The threat to the US is not from China. It is from our own ‘elites’, people we have long and foolishly trusted to do what is right. Now we know even the medical community can be bought off, just like Judas. China was merely the instrument that proved the rot in American institutions. China couldn’t ‘have managed to interfere’ without American collaborators. These collaborators committed treason.

Donald Trump ignored COVID-​19 and admitted so to Bob Woodward that he downplayed the virus. His two-​month delay in response caused thousands of deaths. That is on Trump. In fact, Trump praised President Xi fifteen times in Jan and Feb for China’s response to the virus.

Assuming you can prove the virus came from a lab, what will you do? NOTHING! The same as the response to hacking. We aren’t going to war with China or Russia.

Interesting that you would simply dismiss information on the origin of the virus — as if you did not care to know the truth. And pretend it doesn’t matter. We can’t do anything about it! So please don’t speak the truth! You have Big Govt, Big Science, Big Chinaziland, Big Tech and Big Media on your side, but truth has a way of finding folks who care about it. Stay tuned.

“The absence of pre-​pandemic infections”

Highly unlikely. The likelihood of infections keeps getting found earlier and earlier even in the United States. Satellite imagery shows hospitals overflowing in Wuhan in August, four months before the “pandemic,” and there would likely have been infections before that. Maybe even YEARS before that.

“This virus was optimized to attack humans.”

In what universe? In THIS universe, it has an infection fatality rate far lower than seasonal flu among people younger than 50, and about the same as flu for people 50 – 70. And among those affected, the symptoms are often less disabling than flu (loss of smell and mild fatigue, for example).

It’s interesting that the quack pushing this line of “make shit up and hope it sticks” to support the “lab leak” hypothesis (it remains too sketchy and evidenceless to be an actual theory) lacks only an “e” in his last name to make him the clone of the guy who tried to “prove” the very similar “Russiagate” fantasy.

Apples for oranges, Tom. The infection rate and the fatality rate are not interchangeable. The argument that the virus was spiked to infect humans, which it does quite well, is not refuted by citing a low fatality rate.

And his other 3 points, any one of which would suggest a non-​zoonotic origin?

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