ideological culture initiative, referendum, and recall

Lightfoot’s Dark Turn

The mayor of Chicago is now refusing interviews with white journalists. Only “Black or Brown journalists” need apply.

The jabberwocky uttered by Mayor Lightfoot to justify her conduct provides no real justification. But her rationalization has something to do with the alleged virtue of conferring an unfair advantage upon individuals whose ethnic background is “underrepresented” in journalism.

There are many reasons that a person may lack interest in a particular profession or fail to find work in that profession. In any case, the appropriate response to actual injustice is obviously not to inflict further injustice.

Chicago Tribune reporter Gregory Pratt, a Latino and thus ethnically qualified to interview the mayor, has withdrawn from an upcoming interview in protest. Good for him. Ostracizing a mayor who is ostracizing persons because of an unchosen physical trait is one proper way to combat the mayor’s racist new policy.

Chicago voters are presently unable to recall their mayor, but state lawmakers have proposed a bill to give voters that power. It should be enacted. Immediately. Lightfoot should be booted. Immediately thereafter.

Like other personages in our culture, the worst of our politicians are working overtime to outdo each other in contempt for all rational standards. Having been taught that reason is irrelevant, they are acting on this assumption.

This kind of thing will probably get worse before it gets better. But let’s look on the bright side: there are only eight more decades of this century to go.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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2 replies on “Lightfoot’s Dark Turn”

As long as segregation is voluntary and not coerced, I see nothing wrong with it. The so-​called “civil-​rights” acts, “public accommodation” and “affirmative action” statutes mandated forced integration and were attempts to destroy true “freedom of association” and as such are unconstitutional and abhorrent in a free society.
I predicted the end of forced integration a long time ago; it has taken much longer than it should have, but there is “light at the end of the tunnel”. True “freedom of association” WILL be restored as it is a part of the human condition. All human beings prefer being with “their own kind” whether it be cultural, social, ethnic or racial. Voluntary, self-​imposed segregation does not denote either inferiority or superiority, but merely personal preferences.
A good example of whites “being on the wrong side of history” are the objections that some whites have when “people of color” want to establish their own “safe spaces”. There is absolutely nothing wrong with ANY group that wants to be among “their own kind”.
When I hear well-​meaning whites complain about “people of color” desiring to establish college dorms and other facilities for their own exclusive use, I think to myself, “what’s wrong with you?”
If “people of color” can establish their own “safe spaces”, so can us whites.
This one move would restore true “freedom of association” for ALL races and ethnicity, not just for “people of color”.
It’s a good thing. Let’s encourage it for ALL and make it happen. We will all be better off as a result.

I, too, prefer to be with “my own kind,” so to speak: but I view all human beings regardless of skin color to be my kind. 

Here there is something else going on here. Mayor Lightfoot is in a position of power and we should demand that she be open to questions from the reporters of all colors, shapes and sizes because we cannot allow those who work for us all to instead work for just some of us.

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