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Five Fascist Things


Mass protests have been planned for this Saturday in many major cities across the country. “On November 4, 2017,” says the Refuse Fascism website:

Take To The Streets And Public Squares in cities and towns across the country continuing day after day and night after night — not stopping — until our DEMAND is met:

This Nightmare Must End:

The Trump/​Pence Regime Must Go!

In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!

The group took out a full-​page ad in the New York Times, repeating all that along with the ominous “Nov 4 • It Begins.”

Now, I am against fascism. You may have noticed that … reading between the lines. I’m for limited government, a classical liberal, a modern libertarian. Fascism arose in no small part as a replacement for liberalism, which fascists scorned for not promoting activist government. 

And though I’m not gung-​ho about President Trump, I do not see much fascism coming from the White House. I challenge tomorrow’s protesters to name five fascist things* the new president has done … that the previous president had not also done.

And then, I ask, what practical way could you oppose these putatively fascist things without taking to everybody’s streets until you get your way?

Also, please keep non-​violent, as promised. When protesters become rioters, bad things happen — including conjuring up greater authoritarian sentiment from some.

That reaction may not be fascism. But it wouldn’t be good.**

And, on the right: don’t welcome civil war, as some have already done.

Do you want to see blood running in the streets? I sure don’t.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.


* Or four? Three? Two? One? Remember, we are talking about new fascism.

** Alas, everything bad in this world is not automatically fascism.

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4 replies on “Five Fascist Things”

Jefferson,  a much smarter gentleman than i, said that the tree of liberty must be refreshed.
Apparently his conclusion was that, given the normal corruptibilty of the human condition,  dry streets are not a long term option. 
Not an “if”.
Just “when “.

The MSM is in a bind. Nobody is going to pay any attention to these protests if the MSM doesn’t cover them. But even fewer people are going to pay any attention to the MSM if they do. They’re all playing for the same team, including the Trumpists. Anybody who wants real news and civil liberties will do the best he can to ignore reality contrived by the elites.

I can see a parallel between the Trump/​Pence faction and the Antifa faction similar in many respects to the fighting that took place in Germany in the 1920’s when the Communists and Fascists fought each other in the streets there, although I don’t consider Trump and Pence anywhere near as bad as the fascists. In their 47 page manifesto Antifa openly exposes wanting the USA to embrace communism.

If pme is paying attention, listening critically and objectively then the only comclusion is that they are more similiar than different. 

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