Oh, what will we do? The socialists in the United Nations do not approve of an American policy proposal… Click on over to Townhall. Then come back here for more info:
- YouTube: EF Hutton Commercial
- Washington Post: “Apparently repealing Obamacare could violate international law” by Dana Milbank
- Washington Post: Letter to U.S. Secretary of State concerning the repeal of Obamacare from the United Nations’ Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights “Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health (Feb. 2, 2017)
- United Nations: Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Daily Caller: The UN Peacekeeping Forces’ Rampant Child Rape Problem Continues
- United Nations: Current Membership of the Human Rights Council
- AP: UN child sex ring left victims but no arrests
- Daily Mail: Daniel Hannan – “Corrupt and incompetent, the UN has no right to lecture us”
- United Nations: “International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights”
- PJ Media: “For Next UN Secretary-General, A Managerially Incompetent Socialist”
- Washington Examiner: Chelsea Clinton — “UN personnel ‘incompetent,’ ‘out of touch’”