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This Is Not Politics


First, Hillary lied. She said that ISIS was using Trump in terrorism recruitment videos. The Donald responded with contemptuous ridicule, using a vulgar word for her 2008 defeat by Barack Obama.

Then, the Democratic Party presidential contender got all teary-​eyed and said we had to treat each other with more respect, be nicer.

This is presidential politics?

Mrs. Hillary Clinton and Mr. Donald Trump are both addicted to telling whoppers. Their “stretchers” are now the everyday stuff of our nightly news.

Mrs. Clinton’s fact-​less charge that Trump was being used in recruitment videos is all the more ridiculous considering that Mr. Clinton does star in such a video. Maybe she meant merely that Mr. Trump’s call for barring Muslim immigration will help ISIS paint America as anti-​Muslim, telling the tall tale because, well, it “ seems true.” Even if it isn’t.

In this, she differs not a whit from Mr. Trump, who not too long ago “remembered” “seeing” “thousands” of “Muslims” in “New Jersey” celebrating the fall of the World Trade Center on 9/​11/​2001 — a video he cannot produce, either.

Politicians hyperbolize from bigotry to factoid all the time. What’s new is Trump’s foul calumny, in response, and Clinton’s painting of Trump as a bully for belittling her. That’s not how I remember politics. It seems new to adult debate.

But it isn’t new to our experience. It’s children bickering on the playground, then whining and lying all the way to Teacher. Or even Home.

Responsible adults don’t believe every charge lodged by little boys and little girls.

Like Donny and Hillary.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, politics, children, illustration, Common Sense


4 replies on “This Is Not Politics”

You are off on this one. These are not little children and their words are impacting gullible voters. Hillary is a dangerous women with no record of positive accomplishment. Trump is a successful businessman who likes to blow jis own trumpet. He is outside the criminal insider establishment in DC and it is driving the pols and the controlled media mad. That alone is enugh to cause me to root for Mr. Trump.
Perhaps you need to take a closer look and rethink your observations.

Howard — I just don’t see him as outside the insider political establishment. 

Trump: “I’ve been in politics all my life”

Donald Trump Walks Back His Past Praise of Hillary Clinton

Paul: Trump is an insider pretending to be an outsider

Donald Trump Donated Heavily To Democrats, Especially During Election Which Put Reid And Pelosi In Power

Trump has spent years courting Hillary and other Dems

Trump’s donation history shows Democratic favoritism

In the 1800 election Jefferson challenged Adams. Jefferson’s camp accused President Adams of having a “hideous hermaphroditical character, which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.”

In return, Adams’ men called Vice President Jefferson “a mean-​spirited, low-​lived fellow, the son of a half-​breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father.”

As the slurs piled on, Adams was labeled a fool, a hypocrite, a criminal, and a tyrant, while Jefferson was branded a weakling, an atheist, a libertine, and a coward.
Today is politics as usual, albeit with a less eloquent bent, befitting the lower educational level reached by the victims of government schools.

.… The dangerously-​dullard recidivist, serially-​treasonous, lying, looting, thieving, mass-​murdering, co-​serial-​rapist Missus Clinton’s fact-​less charge that Trump was being used in recruitment videos is all the more ridiculous considering that her as-​loathsome-​and-​fearsome  “spouse,” Billah-​Goat Blythe-​Clinton is featured in such a video. Maybe she was telling the tall tale because it may have been “true,” though it is not. 

.… In this, she differs not a whit from Mr. Trump, who not too long ago “remembered” “seeing” “thousands” of “Muslims” in “New Jersey” celebrating the fall of the World Trade Center on September 11 2001.…

As do the scores of thousands of other witnesses — then New York Mayor, Giuliani and his Police Chief, among them, to the islamanazis’ celebrations, in America — and around the world. Making nonsense of the comparison. 

It’s enough that Mr Trump is an incoherently-​ignoramus  life-​long “Democratic” Party “politician”/gangster-supporting cronyist without we must make up pork pies about him. 

I’m With Ben — but other than Doctor Carson, Senator Cruz and Ms Fiorina — the cronyist, Mr Trump is the last of the field, come next November, I’ll leave home to vote for. 

Four of seventeen “republican” candidates and one of the four’s not even! 

Gag me. 

Brian Richard allen

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