
Vilfredo Pareto


“We can group socialists and protectionists under the name of restrictionists, whilst those who want to base the distribution of wealth solely on free competition can be called liberationists…

“Thus restrictionists are divided into two types: socialists, who through the intervention of the state, wish to change the distribution of wealth in favour of the less rich; and the others, who, even if they are sometimes not completely conscious of what they are doing, favour the rich — these are the supporters of commercial protectionism and social organisation of a military type.”

Vilfredo Pareto, “Socialism and Freedom,” 1891.

1 reply on “Vilfredo Pareto”

Restrictionists are utopian social engineers or self-​serving (and differing strength) fascists. They are far from the same, although the long term result of their manipulations are similar.

Liberationists are realists, and believers that humanity is good, as are its natural instincts and traits.

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