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Concerned and Confused


Why call it “political correctness,” when it’s simply “political” and so terribly incorrect?

Whatever we call it — “a totalitarian impulse” comes to my mind — placing Angela McCaskill on administrative leave from her job at Gallaudet University is just flat-​out wrong.

“It recently came to my attention that Dr. McCaskill has participated in a legislative initiative that some feel is inappropriate for an individual serving as Chief Diversity Officer,” Gallaudet President T. Alan Hurwitz wrote, last week, on the University’s Facebook page. McCaskill’s alleged transgression was to sign a petition to refer the Legislature’s same-​sex marriage law to the ballot for Maryland voters to decide, and potentially overturn.

Hurwitz didn’t mention any specific policy violated by McCaskill. Worse, while acknowledging her “right to sign a petition,” Hurwitz added, as if in clarification, that “many individuals at our university were understandably concerned and confused by her action.”

There appears to be much confusion at Gallaudet … about the meaning of freedom.

President Hurwitz, who faces criticism from both proponents and opponents of the same-​sex marriage referendum that started this fracas, claimed to be confident that a “resolution of this matter can be reached,” hazarding that it “will require that she and the university community work together to respond to the concerns that have been raised.”

A “resolution”? McCaskill has an attorney, and the greater likelihood is a large lump sum settlement for violating her civil rights.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

7 replies on “Concerned and Confused”

I have no sympathy for Angela McCaskill. She wants people to be allowed to vote to take the rights of others away. As despicable as she is, however, even bigots have rights.

If she worked for a private college that didn’t take any tax subsidies, and was hired “at-​will,” she should be fired. Since that’s not the case, however, she should be reinstated and given compensation.

People such as myself who believe in individual rights sometimes find themselves in the position of supporting the rights of bigots.

Politics does make strange bedfellows.

In general, marriage initiatives which preserve the Conjugial, Western, man-​woman tradition are passed by 60% or more.

Gallaudet is a federally chartered university. Seems like they have just shown cause to have their charter revoked. And if they are getting any federal funds, those would be forfeit also.
Perhaps its time for President Hurwitz to dust of that old resume and rent a few videos on job interviewing.

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