
Townhall: Diving for Pearls


My Townhall column, this weekend, is entitled “Diving for Pearls.” Give it a look, why not?

And then come back here to check out these relevant references and links:

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2 replies on “Townhall: Diving for Pearls”

You column fails to acknowledge that upon being attacked on 9/​11, what were we to do? Reality dictated that we respond in Afghanistan and we did. The mistake is the the liberal belief in “universality”, that we can nation build in regions that have been Islamic for a thousand years. Not very likely. 

PS — Elvis Costello, ah, used to be good but takes himself way too seriously and is just another leftist/​socialist, except when it comes to his own money, of course.

RSSG — huh?

“Granted, if our freedom is threatened, we must defend ourselves … and that means war. And war means that many good men and woman must kill and some will surely die. Under such circumstances, war is preferable to death and bondage, and Americans have always been willing in whopping numbers to make the sacrifices required.

“We’re just tired of fighting wars when our freedom is not threatened. As brutal a dictator as Saddam Hussein was in Iraq, he did not imperil our lives or our freedom. And, though Americans overwhelmingly favored going to war in Afghanistan, the country is now — and quite reasonably — two-​to-​one in favor of bringing our troops home.”

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