term limits

Too Much Trouble?


Can you believe it? A new political argument … well, not really.

Over at the Michigan Students for a Free Economy website, Isaac Morehouse reports on what he calls the “most honest anti-​term-​limits argument ever.” It’s too much work! Not only politicians, but lobbyists and reporters, too, find it difficult getting to know all the new guys.

Thanks largely to term limits, there are 46 new lawmakers coming into Lansing. According to Michigan political reporter Tim Skubrick, “It’s a very disconcerting feeling to know that you need to get news out of these folks, but … if you got in the elevator with any one of them you’d have no idea if they were lawmakers, staffers or capitol tourists.”

Sure. How much easier making the same old deals with the same old crowd!

Foes of term limits often claim that lobbyists “love” term limits, because lobbyists can presumably leverage their knowledge of issues to more easily control ignorant freshmen legislators. But term limits are a hassle for lobbyists, too. All those new people to befriend, and try to convince that your special interest is identical to the public interest.

Morehouse sees through the arguments. He says that as a citizen concerned about his wallet, he can do without politicians who “know their way around” the capitol and are experts in politics as usual.

Most people can agree — except those who absolutely hate updating the rolodex.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

5 replies on “Too Much Trouble?”

Paul-​New legislators remember their promises to their constituents and are much more likely to do what is right rather than what is expedient. They rely LESS on staff because they don’t trust them, yet, (or haven’t, yet, been “captured” by them); ditto their relationship to lobbyists. So, the lobbyists are right! New members are a lot more work to manipulate!!

Not only is the “honest” anti-​term limits argument stated on the the Michigan website, but it is one of the best arguments for term limits. I still believe there will be a few excellent representatives lost due to limits, but far more intransigent and unresponsive politicians that will be forced to find other endeavors after their years of “valuable” public services.


WE have the right to petition according to the Constitution.


One 6 year term for Senators and Three 2 year terms for Congress.
No retirement, because retirement was not considered for these part time jobs as “Servant of the People”.

Put the Petition in a website so that every voter can access the site and print a copy of the petition and fill in their voter information and sign it and then mail it to a term limit advocate in their state.

Even if the petition process is not in a state, the Constitution allows them to petition their representative government, so they should have no problem in getting the petition approved in their state or by the Supreme Court.

This effort could help mobolize the people to get involved in the government that they are members of.

Term limits deprive us knowledgeable and experienced people, but more importantly it deprives voters of a choice. Very often, the replacement is hand picked by a political machine when a popular incumbent may be in a position to leverage their popularity and exhibit independence from the machine.
Concentration on a better informed electorate, ballot access, and my favorite, ballots that lists only the candidates name would go further to establishing a better electoral outcome.

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