Common Sense

A Wealthy Benefactor


We’re a wealthy nation and that’s a good thing. But often when we hear someone referred to as “wealthy” as in “wealthy contributor” the speaker is implies that that’s a bad thing. As if to be wealthy is more likely a consequence of corruption than of hard work and character. Not fair.

When I contribute to a political campaign, I feel good about it. Because I believe in what I’m doing. If I had built a super-​profitable business, the check I write would be a heck of a lot bigger, but my motive would be the same.

Attacking people for their wealth is unfair. It also ignores a crucial factor in American history, a factor which allowed there to be an American history. We all know John Hancock as the gentleman who signed his name to The Declaration of Independence with such a flourish that King George wouldn’t possibly need his spectacles to read it.

But John Hancock’s penmanship was not what scared the Brits.

What scared them was his money. Hancock was a very wealthy man and he used his wealth to fund the American Revolution. Hancock’s generosity was such a critical resource that when the Massachusetts governor returned to England right before the war to meet with King George, one of the King’s first questions was, “What is the state of Hancock’s finances?”

The King of England heading the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world knew that no political effort could survive without money. No doubt King George would have been a big proponent of placing limits on campaign financing.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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