Last week I had some fun with Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s comment to the effect that she was able to make better judicial decisions than a white male because of her experiences as a Latina.
I don’t take offense “as a white male.” I object as a rational human being.
But while Judge Sotomayor continues to catch flak, I must say, bashing white males has become rather commonplace.
Being rational, not so much.
For instance, Kathleen Parker, a usually reasonable columnist, had this to say in defending Sotomayor’s statement:
“Could a white man get away with saying something comparable about a Latina? Of course not. After Latinas have run the world for 2,000 years, they won’t be able to say it ever again.”
So the reason it is open season on white males is because we run the world?
You see, I’m a white male and I’ve never ruled the world. Not even for one minute.
I don’t even want to rule the world. I don’t even want to dictatorially rule my own house — that’s done by a a nice oligarchy of my wife and me, with a barking veto from the dog.
I’d like my freedom, though, and to have a democratic say in my government.
Oh, and to be judged on my demonstrated character … not blamed for what some other guy with similar skin hues did two thousand years ago.
This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.