general freedom

Here to Raid You

Government agents: Here to help? Or to break in, drag you out of your house by the scruff of your neck, throw you to the ground, handcuff you, and stuff you into a patrol car before finally releasing you six hours later?

That’s what happened to “Stockton man” Kenneth Wright, as witnessed by the neighbors and his kids. According to News 10, “After the Department of Education raided the home of a Stockton man Tuesday morning, officials said the search was part of an ongoing investigation into financial aid fraud.” Wright wasn’t even the subject of their investigation — that would be his estranged wife.

So … an “investigation” into “financial aid fraud” warrants smashing in someone’s door and treating him like an escaped axe murderer? Not this side of the portal to Bizarro World.

The raid wasn’t even triggered by an unsubstantiated tip about a medicinal-​marijuana stash. No need any more to use the drug war as an excuse to assault peaceful citizens. Now any old “investigation” warrants outrageous assaults, and any government department can commission them. Not so long ago I spoke of raids on barber shops suspected of unlicensed scissor use.

Such abuse of power is becoming the norm. If America is not quite yet a full-​fledged police state, it’s sure starting to smell like one.

Wright says: “All I want is an apology for me and my kids and for them to get me a new door.” That’s not enough.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.