Common Sense

Body Count

Congressman Tom Davis, who heads the House GOP’s campaign arm, says, “It’s all about body count.” He’s talking about the Republican majority in the House.

Today that majority is just five seats.

When we think about politics, most of us think about the issues. We want to know where candidates stand and then vote accordingly. If we embrace a particular political party, again, it’s usually on the basis of their platform and principles.

Yet to leadership of both parties in Congress stands on the issues seem virtually irrelevant. All these professional politicians care about is holding power and the perks and privileges that come with it. What’s important is the body count.

ake Rep. Charles Rangel, please, a 30-​year incumbent Democrat. When Newt Gingrich was still Speaker of the House, Rangel regularly assailed Gingrich as worse than Attila the Hun. Gingrich was the incarnation of all evil.

Yet when asked recently about the virtue of getting Republicans to switch parties to the Democrats, here’s what Rangel had to say: “We’re counting numbers. If Newt Gingrich was a member of the New York delegation and we could convince him to cross over, we would.”

Did you get that? For voters, politics is about principles. About ideas. But for the bodies in suits in Washington, D.C., what counts is the pursuit of power.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Your Name Here

Remember college football bowl games before all the corporate sponsors added their names? What’s next the Crest Toothpaste Sugar Bowl?

At least corporate sponsors pay for the privilege. It can get worse. In fact, it has. Now Congress is talking about doing this with entire government agencies except the career politicians are putting their own names on government departments.

That’s Sen. Daniel Inouye of Hawaii’s brilliant idea after 40 years in Congress. He proposes renaming The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the “Thomas R. Harkin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” Harkin is a senator from Iowa.

The plan changes the National Library of Medicine to the “Arlen Spector National Library of Medicine.” Senator Spector is a 20-​year incumbent from Pennsylvania.

To lengthen the names of government agencies is bad enough. But to name them after congressmen who presently sit deciding their budget that’s outrageous. Corporations pay big money to put their name on things. Whose money goes to get a congressman’s name on a federal agency? You know whose.

And these politicians are still perfectly able to do something rotten. Think how embarrassing it would have been had we named the U.S. Postal Service after Congressman Dan Rostenkowski who was later convicted of embezzling postage stamps.

What foolish pride in Washington! It makes me want to say, “Hey congressman, you’re name here!” Oh, it’s radio. I guess you couldn’t see that.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

A Gold Medal in Hypocrisy

What should be done when corruption is rampant?

Ask the U.S. Congress that question and you may be surprised by the answer. Congress is a HUGE supporter of term limits. Yes, that’s right. They LOVE term limits.

No, I haven’t skipped a dose of my medication. Congress is lecturing the International Olympic Committee on the need for term limits. In fact, Congressman Henry Waxman of California threatened legislation to prevent U.S. companies from giving money to the Olympic Committee unless the committee adopts various reforms including term limits.

The Olympic Committee has been chastised for allowing members to accept lavish gifts from cities lobbying to host the games. There are rules against this, but the rules haven’t been enforced. Now, don’t get me wrong. Congress is 100 percent correct. (And how often does THAT happen?) The Olympic Committee would benefit greatly from term limits, from new ideas and fresh perspectives.

But the hypocrisy from Congress is … well … frankly … now that I think about it, not all that surprising. Congress has passed term limits for the president, the Speaker of the House, committee chairs, the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Military and now wants them on the Olympic Committee.

They love term limits for everyone-​except themselves. Sheesh! What a do-​as-​I-​say, not-​as-​I-​do Congress. That’s why the gold medal for unlimited hypocrisy goes to: Congressman Henry Waxman. Climb on top of your pedestal now, Mr. Congressman, for the medal ceremony.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

A Foreign Congress?

It’s a great, big, beautiful world out there. But it can also be an expensive world to American taxpayers.

Congress just approved $12 billion in foreign aid. Now President Clinton wants even more.

Ultimately, American taxpayers should be the boss of whether their money goes abroad, and if so, how much. That’s why we elect representatives so we’ll have folks in Congress who represent our interests. Whatever your feelings on foreign aid, it’s another sign that our representatives in Washington don’t pay much attention to the majority of taxpayers.

A survey by the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland found incredibly that not a single congressman believes the American people support foreign aid. Not one. But they keep sending our money overseas just the same.

In his new book Who Rules America, Eric O’Keefe writes: “Take, for example, foreign aid. Even a cursory glance at the record of Congress demonstrates that they do not think like the folks back home when it comes to matters abroad. Perhaps the political class is right about foreign policy. Why then don’t they take their case to the public that will pay the price?”

Most Americans oppose foreign aid. That’s why those in office who support it should take their case to the people. Instead, career politicians just arrogantly continue to send billions to foreign countries against the known wishes of the public.

When a career Congress just ignores the people on the issue of foreign aid, is the problem really foreign aid, or a foreign Congress?

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Where’s Home?

Thomas Wolfe said, “You can’t go home again.” But Vice-​President Al Gore is desperately trying to go home.We’d love to help him.

The only problem is: where’s home?

Let me tell you why I’m a little confused. First, Gore attacks his Democratic opponent, former New Jersey Senator Bill Bradley, for leaving Washington. Then Gore turns around and, with great fanfare, moves his presidential campaign headquarters out of Washington.

You see the point of the switcheroo, don’t you? Americans would rather have a President who hasn’t spent his whole career cloistered in Washington. The GOP front-​runner is a Texan, and nobody thinks of him as a creature of the Beltway.

Bradley, Gore’s Democratic opponent, served three terms in the U.S. Senate, but then retired. One minute Gore attacks Bradley for leaving Washington and the next Gore moves his campaign headquarters to Tennessee to distance himself from Washington.

But Gore has lived most of his life in Washington, not Tennessee. He grew up in D.C. and already has a 24-​year career as a politician. Gore isn’t alone among career politicians in finding it hard to figure out where home really is.

Many remain in Washington, D.C. after they retire, never returning to live in the states they hold so dear. Former Speaker Tom Foley never returned to Spokane. Kansas Senator Bob Dole isn’t in Kansas anymore. The only home career politicians know is in the heart of power. For citizen legislators, home is where the heart is.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

Common Sense

Never Quit

The St. Louis Rams are the only undefeated team in the National Football League. One big reason is Kurt Warner, the lowest paid and highest rated quarterback in the NFL.

Warner’s success story demonstrates the importance of never giving up. In college, he played football for little Northern Iowa, and wasn’t in the starting line-​up until his final year. In the second game, he was injured and out for the rest of the season. No NFL team drafted him.

The Green Bay Packers gave him a shot, but then cut him after training camp. He went home to a minimum-​wage job stocking grocery store shelves. But he didn’t give up on his dream. Soon he was playing in the Arena Football League. That earned him a try-​out with the Chicago Bears.

But he deferred the try-​out for something more important: his marriage to Brenda, a single mother of two. On their honeymoon, a scorpion bit him and his arm swelled so he couldn’t throw a football. His try-​out was canceled and the Bears never called again.

Last year, the Rams signed him to play in the European league. Warner excelled and came back to the U.S. as a back-​up. Then the Rams’ first-​string quarterback was injured and a star was born! Nothing is as powerful as perseverance a lesson for political reformers to heed as well.

Those who seek to limit the power of politicians and empower their fellow citizens have always been the underdogs. What’s the difference between those who succeed and those who fail? Winners never quit.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.