A good program on over-regulation:
Category: video
Video: The War Against Work
Mike Rowe of the Discovery Channel’s “Dirty Jobs” show here talks to the designers and engineers and tech mavens of TED on the reality of work. Not the fantasy. Not the politics. The reality. Fascinating:
Judge Napolitano says NO to the president:
And so does Charles Krauthammer, who refers the president’s characteristic “lawlessness.”
Video: Obamacare in One Lesson
This is a pretty good breakdown of what Obamacare is/was and why it was a bad idea from the start:
The problem comes down to gerrymandered districts and how the votes are cast and counted:
Video: Meanwhile, in Washington State
Some people wonder, “what does Paul Jacob do?” That is, beside these Common Sense memos and his weekly Townhall columns?
The answer, of course, is “help citizens around the country beat back big government.” Here is a political ad from a current effort: