by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Blank Pages, Elk Statuary & Protest

The problem of protest under tyrants.…

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: One Way or Another?

I’m gonna gitcha gitcha gitcha …

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: It’s a Funny World

Everybody says that but almost no one laughs!

This Week in Common Sense starts with the rear end of a Coke can and ends with UFOs and Trump:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Apt Man Out?

The man. The myth. The mystery. Plus Spike Cohen, Joe Biden, and other politicians.

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Inside the Pumpkin of Politics

You’ve carved a Jack-​o-​Lantern, no? Made a pumpkin pie? The seedy innards aren’t what you keep!

Paul Jacob is much more clean and non-​yucky in this discussion of the big stories of the week, beginning with Paul Pelosi’s:

by Paul Jacob video

Watch: Tiptoe Time?

During wartime, we should stride through the issues, not dance about on tippy-​toes. Politics ain’t no ballet.

Same with the time right before mid-​term elections.

Or when burdened by a $30 trillion debt. Or unaccountable elites who risk a deadly plague because … “science”?

No tiptoeing here: