The replacement for ObamaCare that Rand Paul is pushing looks a lot better than his previous statements had led some of us* … to fear:
It is mainly a freeing up of the system. Mainly. It is government getting out of the way. Of course, it is packaged so to sound like a “plan” — politics is still politics.
The good part is that, yes, we consumers of medical care are going to be more in charge of spending our own dollars. And thus controlling more of our own care.
* Well, “suggested” to some of us on the skeptical side of the political debate.
Berkeley, home to the Free Speech movement in the “olden days,” was home this week to violence and mayhem that “successfully” blocked the free and peaceful exchange of ideas.
As you consider how a free people should respond, here are various voices from the scene of the crime.
First, a former Clinton Era “economist” offers a number of judgments without any facts to back them up. Indeed, he spreads a rumor that conflicts with everything we know about the blackshirt thugs of Antifa and similar far-left “anarchist” groups:
And if you want more of this loopiness, with even more outrageous comments shifting blame away from the actual perpetrators of the violence and onto Trump and others, watch the full CNN talking heads panel. If you dare!
Next, a young “By Any Means Necessary” (BAMN) member explains the “peaceful” nature of her movement:
You judge her logic. Her excuse-making. Her more-than-implied threats.
This young woman, and the illustrious Robert Reich, are not alone on the left in defending the violence and the suppression of free speech. Consider the long list of “celebs.”
Finally, mull over the actual words of the man Robert Reich calls a “hateful, odious” “right-wing character” (and whom others call “racist” and “homophobic” and even a gay “Nazi”):
This video has been bleeped to omit vulgarity; click here for the pristine (vulgar tongue) version, if you wish.
There are many greatly varying opinions about Milo Yiannopoulos. This is but one video wherein he very earnestly states his views. We welcome you to use the COMMENTS section to post any videos or links that you think folks should consider in making their own judgments about the man. Likewise, please leave links to additional information about speech-squelching activities by those on the political Left or Right or Center.
But I oppose the use of torture for two other reasons: (d) torture is wrong, i.e. immoral, and (e) engaging in torture will make us torturers.
It is possible to hold that these latter reasons trump any concern for the question of whether torture yields good information. “The question is irrelevant.”
President Donald Trump has gone on record setting up his first hundred-days agenda. What’s first up? “FIRST, propose a Constitutional Amendment to impose term limits on all members of Congress.”
Why might that be a priority? Well, here:
Inside-the-Beltway journalists tend to be clueless about the subject, of course:
Pity that term limits could only drain the congressional/lobbyist swamp. Not the MSM bog.