The wit and wisdom of
- George Santayana
- Stanislaw Jerzy Lec
- Glenn Greenwald
and others, all serving as grist for Paul Jacob’s commonsense mill — er, view — of the world. And a lot more, too, on Rumble, the latest podcast from Paul Jacob.
The wit and wisdom of
and others, all serving as grist for Paul Jacob’s commonsense mill — er, view — of the world. And a lot more, too, on Rumble, the latest podcast from Paul Jacob.
Paul Jacob expresses gratitude for all the blessings of our time, notwithstanding China imperialism, social media censorship, and our culture of violence.
Paul Jacob sees some good developments this past week, starting with the Rittenhouse verdict:
Paul Jacob confronts the good and bad in the actions and speech of
… and talking about Kenosha, Russia-Russia-Russia, New Jersey, and (surprise!) Uruguay. The video is watchable on Rumble (sign up; subscribe; like; share) and YouTube:
All from the headlines of Common Sense with Paul Jacob (this website). The audio podcast is available on multiple platforms, as hosted on SoundCloud:
See all recent commentary
(simplified and organized)
So what were the two biggest stories last week? Find out here:
See all recent commentary
(simplified and organized)
Paul Jacob is on something like a diplomatic mission in London. He explains all, and covers the biggest story of last week in this latest episode of This Week in Common Sense.
We are presenting the video first — on Rumble, of course — because of, well, technical difficulties. (Most weekends the audio precedes the video.) Here we go: