Unless our elections are rigged, Congressman Ron Paul — like anyone else running for president — has a bona fide chance to win.
Because we regular people get to decide. It’s our votes; it’s our caucuses.
So, why does the news media keep telling us that Ron Paul has no shot?
A brand new Public Policy Polling survey shows Paul leading the pack in Iowa at 23 percent to Mitt Romney’s 20 percent, with Gingrich falling precipitously to 14 percent.
Queried about a possible Paul victory in Iowa, Fox News’s Chris Wallace responded, “Well, and the Ron Paul people aren’t going to like me saying this, but, to a certain degree, it will discredit the Iowa caucuses because, rightly or wrongly, I think most of the Republican establishment thinks he is not going to end up as the nominee.”
Hmmm. Ron Paul can’t win. So, if he does win, it discredits the process.
It’s déjà-vu all over again: GOP strategist Mike Murphy said back in August that had Congressman Paul received just 75 more votes and won the Iowa straw poll “it would have put the straw poll out of business forever.”
According to a Washington Times story, “Paul could be positioning himself as a spoiler or worse.”
A spoiler? Worse? Dr. Paul is positioning himself as the next president. Which I guess spoils things for Wallace, much of the media and the Washington establishment.
This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.