
Not To Be Saved

How Washington’s “political theater” works. Or doesn’t.

H.R. 8281, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act (SAVE Act), introduced by Rep. Chip Roy (R‑TX), would require voters to provide documentary proof of citizenship at the time of registration. It passed the House in July and is hovering in the Senate where …

Wait. Something happened. It’s been placed in the latest Continuing Resolution (CR) on the budget!

But before you get too excited, Thomas Massey, Republican Representative from Kentucky, calls this a “Bright Shiny Object” which will be voted for by Republicans and voted against by Democrats and, according to the rules of “political theater” will be removed before the CR goes to the president’s pen.

Besides, the SAVE Act can’t save the election we’re worried about, since the general election will be held just a few weeks from now and everybody’s been registered and …

Well, watch Massey on X.

1 reply on “Not To Be Saved”

Some years ago, a friend sent-​in a voter registration form given to him by a petitioner outside of a store, but the form was grossly misread, creating an entirely fictitious entry, of opposite sex. Later, this fictional woman was summoned for jury duty. It took two responses, noting that the character was fictitious, for the clerks to abandon attempts to intimidate her into appearing. In the second, I had a fine time warning them, in the name of the character, “as a fictional character I am capable of anything!

In this era combining political crises with mail-​in ballots indiscriminately sent to all supposed voters, such accidents will deliver great temptation into the hands of at least hundreds of people, if not more.

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