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DEI Virally Decoded

Paul Jacob on new words placed on an old initialism.

Is “Didn’t Earn It” — the latest scam-​decoding translation of officialdom’s acronymic jargon for race-​conscious and gender-​conscious affirmative-​action policies, DEI — really catching on?

If so, maybe we’ll get back all the sooner to sanity. 

That is, in universities, workplaces, and other hunting grounds of the DEI dictators who have inherited the mantle of reverse discrimination first inflicted on Americans via the affirmative-​action quota policies of the 1970s.

John Tierney suggests that the popularizers of the apt “Didn’t Earn It” meme may well help rid us of “today’s most egregiously indefensible phrase: ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.’”

These woozy words are supposed to divert our attention from what DEI policies really mean: systematic discrimination against academic, professional, and other merit in favor of typically irrelevant physical characteristics like skin color and gender.

DEI discrimination is being imposed on ever more of our institutions, even at the cost of risking our lives. If unqualified applicants are being admitted into UCLA Medical School in order to appease the arbiters of DEI, then failing basic tests of medical knowledge after they get in — what happens if and when they start treating patients?

A single telling phrase (Tierney credits journalist Ian Cheong and cartoonist Scott Adams) can’t shoulder the whole burden of stopping DEI. True enough.

Fortunately, it’s got help. 

In Congress, Republicans have introduced legislation to shut down DEI offices and forbid federal contractors from imposing the ugly indoctrination of DEI training and DEI statements.

We can all pitch in.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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3 replies on “DEI Virally Decoded”

I promise you that a significant share of the political left will get things so knotted-​up as to claim that anyone using the formula “Didn’t Earn It” is claiming racial superiority for those not privileged when DEI policies are effected.

Under the realization of the negative impact of the imposition of these new social paradigms, the most productive families, the ones with the most accomplishment-​driven family culture, and the ones with the more intelligent family members (higher intelligence gene pool), are removing themselves from those areas. Fleeing the cities. Fleeing the states. Fleeing government-​operated schooling. Result is that the overall functional level of the schools in these areas sharply declines. Evolutionarily called “niche pressure”.
No amount of money lavished, or regulations imposed can compensate or get it back to that higher level of functioning. Results in hurting virtually every child who remains. There are always a few exceptions, but it drags down the baseline. And that has been the result in every area where these norms that ignore performance have been imposed. Mostly permanent, long-​lasting damage in levels of accomplishment and a long-​term rise in the factors that are generally viewed as negative. But none of the imposers have been willing to voluntarily address the negative results of their good intentions.
Road to hell.

I used my wallet to fight against DEI. I stopped supporting Smithsonian and another group when I learned about their DEI officers.

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