
Delaware and Slavery

On February 8, 1865, Delaware voters rejected the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, voting to continue the practice of slavery. Delaware belatedly and symbolically ratified the amendment on February 12, 1901.

1 reply on “Delaware and Slavery”

Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri did not leave the Union, but maintained the institution of slavery through the Civil War. West Virginia seceeded from Virginia to rejoin the Union, but did so while continuing to maintain the institution of slavery. 

Maryland, Missouri, and West Virginia ratified the Thirteenth Amendment in the process of its adoption. Kentucky did not ratify the Amendment until 18 March 1976. 

The last state to ratify the Amendment was Mississippi, in 1995, with certification on 7 Feb 2013. Fourteen states have not ratified it. I anticipate eventual ratification by Hawai’i after a campaign of shaming.

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