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Bless You, John Kerry

It is hard to find the words. 

Having just finished wringing out a soaked handkerchief, soggy with tears of gratitude for your recent act of high nobility and raw courage in defying the worst aspects of current U.S. policy and your own dismal and dismaying track record of silly pronouncements as Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, an actual title I might add, I wanted to take a moment to say Thank You.

Thank you, sir, thanks for declining to again deploy your eloquence, charisma, and illogic in the service of the same old dreary nonsense.

For when asked during a recent congressional hearing whether the United States would be contributing to a fund to pay “climate reparations” to countries harmed by extreme manifestations of weather, aka “climate-​driven” natural disasters, you said, flatly, “No, under no circumstances.”

Wha … ? Was this the same man who likened the fight against “climate change” to the fight against the Nazis in World War II?

I mean, I’ll believe it when I don’t see it, but for now I just want to say: Wow! 

Especially since last year’s Conference of the Parties, COP27, billed as “a defining moment in the fight against climate change,” where the United States did express support for such payments.

So the U.S. will not, after all, be using taxpayer money to appease other countries for also experiencing weather. Great news. For every minute it lasts, I really appreciate it. 

I am veritably dripping with … gratitude.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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7 replies on “Bless You, John Kerry”

Folks forget that he got a Purple Heart.
For shrapnel in the butt.
From a grenade that he ineptly threw and then tried to run and hide from.
So he was attacking an enemy of America.

No one here denies that the climate changes, Pam.

Your tribe has gone from referring to “global warming” to “global climate change” and then back to “global warming” depending upon how well the general public buys the warming part. 

But the real issue is whether the climate change is anthropogenic. Pointing to change or even to actual warming just begs the question.

The theory of anthropogenic climate change was scientifically interesting fifty years ago. Now, though, what is interesting is the social science, as a failed theory has become part of a state-​sponsored religion.

The theory of anthropogenic global climate change says that release of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere by human activity causes significant changes to climate by increasing the amount of light energy radiated back downward, instead of being allowed to escape into outer-space. 

Carbon dioxide, methane, and the other greenhouse gasses are like other chemicals. The greenhouse gasses don’t simply radiate light energy back towards the surface of the Earth; they radiate it in characteristic frequencies. If you had the resources for strategically placed sensors, then for the last ten, twenty, or thirty years you could have measured the light energy in the relevant frequencies, and could have compared these measurements against the changing levels of the gasses — if you wanted to know. 

Many of the various national states have the resources, and every reason to support such a study if its results conform to the theory of anthropogenic global climate change. But the results of a study effecting such measurements on a meaningful scale have not been reported. If that silence is because the results are being kept secret, then plainly they are inconvenient to whomever has kept them secret. If the silence is because such a study has not been undertaken, then plainly that is because the results are expected to be inconvenient.

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