
Jane Jacob (1934 – 2022): In Memoriam

My mom, Jane Jacob, passed away yesterday, peacefully, at 88 years of age. She was the best person I’ve ever known and she loved life with a passion. I’ll miss her, but she will always be with me.

I could re-​title this “My Mom for Heaven,” but as a good friend put it: “I just wish her a good trip; I’m certain her ticket is punched.” 

In her honor, I’m re-​publishing this commentary that first appeared on April 14, 2015.

My mom for president
My mom for president

My Mom for President

My musing, yesterday, about Hillary Clinton’s hat throw into the presidential ring failed to recognize that yesterday was also my mother’s 81st birthday.

Jane Jacob is not yet an announced presidential candidate, but when I think of a hard-​working, organized, smart and always-​optimistic woman — someone who keeps promises and looks out for the other person; someone with commitment to principle — I think of her.

Not Hillary Clinton.

Maybe Mrs. Clinton would have put in the hours playing catch with me as a tyke. But can Hillary even catch? My mom can. And throw too. (Not like a — well, incorrectly, either gender.)

My mom has a soft heart. I remember coming home from school and seeing her crying from watching a soap opera.

Nonetheless, she can dish out tough love. During a family clean-​up effort (like a Bataan death march, but in English) she asked if one of us six kids could do something or other. I stepped forward to say, “I’ll try.”

Mom looked at me plainly and explained, “I need someone to do it, Paul, not just try.”

She is still full of fun and passion. Her deep love and concern for America’s freedom has certainly had an enormous impact on my life.

Too bad my mom’s not running.

Hillary Clinton has demonstrated none of the presidential timber my mom has, and yet Clinton is very likely to enjoy a large electoral advantage among women voters. So, here’s my idea: the Democratic Party’s competition should each nominate a woman for the top of the ticket. There are plenty of women qualified to serve as president. Not just my mom.

May the best woman win.

Have I started a stampede to office supply stores to buy binders?

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

April 14, 2015

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(simplified and organized)

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1 reply on “Jane Jacob (1934 – 2022): In Memoriam”

My condolences Paul, My birth mother died when I was 5 and was just like her. I was later adopted and my adopted mother was like your mom too. She only spoke German when started school and went through 8th grade and by then was speaking English. When us 3 kids were in grade and high school she learned to type and got her GED and worked for the county in home services. She helped the people the rest of them wouldn’t go to help. She got cancer and passed away at age 70 and we still miss her but have great memories of her like you have of your mother.

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