general freedom national politics & policies

The Virus Is Power

Remember how fast the pandemic scare went partisan? At first Democrats downplayed the contagion … because President Trump was up-playing it. Then they switched sides when they saw that they could out-​over-​play it, it being easy to “out-​empathy” Trump.

Masks went from being officially deprecated to officially required.

The lockdowns and extreme “social distancing” were instituted on the Trump/​Fauci team’s recommendation to “flatten the curve,” but after the allotted time and many hospitals suffering a serious lack of patients, the lockdowns continued in most states.

Despite a complete change of rationale.

The working notion appeared to be: keep deaths down and panic up … and wait for a vaccine.

Which Trump promised, and, well, rushed and pushed past the regulators.

Now, there exist substantial hurdles to fast-​tracking a medicine, even in an emergency. But the Democrats’ early resistance to Trump’s talk of HCQ as a successful COVID counter-​measure turned out to serve as an excuse to push vaccination, for had treatments using HCQ and similar existing medicines been normalized, the emergency authorization would have been ruled out of bounds.

And the goal of universal vaccination scuttled. 

So where are we now? 

In America, there are two basic approaches: mRNA gene “therapy” and a modified adenovirus, both focusing on the spiked protein of the SARS-​CoV‑2 virus with the aim of jump-​starting immune response.

And after the vaccines? The mandates. J.D. Tuccille, at Reason, covers this latest development — which a year ago was called a “conspiracy theory.” The Biden administration and major corporations are now developing “vaccination passports” that would continue the lockdowns for those who have not been vaccinated. 

And China may want in on that action.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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8 replies on “The Virus Is Power”

A number of effective therapeutics available for COVID, that have been tested through numerous clinical trials.…drugs that have been safely used for decades. The quashing of these by the (US) medical community has become a true atrocity. Thousands of lives needlessly lost, due to politics and the power ($) of Big Pharma.

When did Trump up-​play the virus? He ignored the virus from January until March saying it would just “go away”. He later admitted to Bob Woodward that he downplayed the virus.

The virus did not go away!


President Trump responded swiftly to the outbreak in China by restricting travel therefrom, and he was swiftly attack by Joseph Biden and by other Democrats for doing so. 

You need to remember facts that don’t fit your preferred narrarive, and to attend to sources of news analysis that return to such facts.

Show your work. Details. Sources. links.
You won’t because you’re just a “drive-​by-​poster”.

Weaponizing the ChiCom virus …
“Coronavirus an opportunity to create a new “progressive era” — Governor Gavin Newsom
“This is a tremendous opportunity to restructure things to fit our vision.” —Majority Whip James Clyburn
“Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a twice failed presidential candidate, told presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden on Tuesday that the coronavirus pandemic “would be a terrible crisis to waste” in terms of advancing Democrats’ political agenda.

Donald Trump Quotes:

– Covid-​19 will go away ‘like a miracle’
– Covid-​19 affects ‘virtually nobody’
– Suggested checking if disinfectant could be injected into humans
– It is ‘very hard’ to not hug service personnel
– Covid-​19 is like flu and should be treated as such
 — “So last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that! ”

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