partisanship social media

Consigned to Outer Darkness


Twitter, Facebook, Google, and Amazon are on a de-​platforming binge.

The official rationale? Anyone “associated” with rioting must be expelled from virtual society. 

Yet these social media outfits have hardly ousted endorsers of violence against innocents with anything like consistency. Iranian Boss-​man Ali Khamenei still hasTwitter account. Socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Cortez, who has opined that some people “have no choice but to riot,” is still merrily blathering on Twitter.

The latest victim of Big Tech’s assault on speech is not an individual but a competing platform, Parler, whose support for free speech is its main selling point.

Apple has kicked Parler off its app store, and Parler got booted from the Google Play store, too.

Now Amazon, which provided storage for Parler, is kicking Parler off its servers with essentially zero notice because Amazon employees “were lobbying the company to disconnect Parler from AWS for hate speech,” which is like arguing that USPS or the Constitution must be shut down because it enables hate mail.

Apparently, once enemies of speech employed by a big-​tech service provider scream “Deplatform so-​and-​so,” any erstwhile reservations of top management — Jeff Bezos, in this case — pop like a soap bubble under a hot iron.

Parler was one possible landing place for the President of the United States, booted from Twitter for allegedly inciting the capitol riot.* It now seems that Trump may find refuge at Gab​.com, where his tweets expunged from Twitter have been republished

But note: Gab has long been out in the wilderness, denied service on Google’s and Apple’s systems.

Folks who demand inclusion sure do practice exclusion well.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

* Rush Limbaugh deactivated his Twitter account in protest of Twitter’s action. And I deactivated mine as well — something I meant to do when Twitter blocked the New York Post’s truthful reporting on Hunter Biden during the election.

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10 replies on “Consigned to Outer Darkness”

The Capitol is no longer under siege but you have no problem with millions of Americans being purged from Twitter, censored by Facebook and blocked by Google?

Tens of millions of Americans have accepted irrational, unconstitutional and unprecedented police state-​type restrictions on their freedoms, including even the freedom to make a living, as well as restrictions on their rights guaranteed by the Constitution.
They are good Germans.
Seig Heil.

Eight months of rioting, looting, and torching entire cities — crickets
A few hours of threatening useless Washington bureaucrats ‑howling outrage.

The most important event in our lifetime and you seem to have swallowed your tongue. Are you “afraid” to voice your opinion on the assault on the U.S. Capitol?

Assault? Seriously?
How many videos do you have to see to be convinced that Capital police let them in? In fact they invited them in.
Of course, you won’t see that on your corrupt MSM. They are still blocking anything that doesn’t tow the “party line”.

Do you really think that Big Tech has the right to silence hundreds of millions of Americans in the wake of this ‘assault’? Who gave Amazon, Apple and Google the right to decide what is acceptable? They are purging Americans from the public square and you have no problem with that? What will you do when they come for you?

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