Common Sense

Stick with Principle


When Senator Bob Smith of New Hampshire resigned from the Republican Party earlier this year, he said:

“I’ve come to the realization that the Republican Party is more interested in winning elections than supporting the principles of its platform. It’s just a charade. The Republican platform is a meaningless document that has been put out there so suckers like me and maybe suckers like you out there can read it. I did not come here to compromise my values to promote the interests of a political party.”

The courage Senator Smith showed in following his principles, even though it might cost him some of the perks and privileges the two major political parties of Washington can offer, is impressive.

Whether we agree or not with a particular stand, we can all appreciate people who follow their heart and their own moral compass. That’s far too rare in Washington.

But now comes the true test. As a presidential candidate Smith was virtually unknown outside of New Hampshire. Even in his home state he was getting only a couple percentage points of support for his presidential bid. So last week he threw in the towel.

Now rumors are swirling that Smith may return to the GOP fold to snatch a chairmanship of the Environment and Public Works Committee. The chairmanship will go to the Republican with the most seniority, which would be Smith except he isn’t a Republican anymore.

Senator Smith, this is where the rubber hits the road. Show us you mean what you said. Stick with principle.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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