
They Were Lying

The “experts” who assured us that Joe Biden was savvy and with-​it and cool knew the opposite was true. Now they have been caught. Still, they pretend the revelation is new and out of the blue.

After last week’s presidential debate on CNN, the panel of “experts” expressed their shock at how senile the current president seemed. Shock, they tells us. And sadness. How could they have known?

Glenn Greenwald, in his last System Update of the week, carefully lays out the case that these people were lying in the weeks prior to the debate, in their numerous assertions of Joe Biden’s competence. He runs the clips. They are breath-taking. 

For every media consumer not under the spell of corporate “news” knew what everyone came to see — unmediated by claims of “cheap fakes” — at the debate: that Joe Biden’s mind is fading, and fading fast.

He was suffering even in 2019, on the campaign trail. He said goofy things, like “You know the thing!” when he was straining to remember, or not correctly repeat, the theological bits of the Declaration of Independence:

It seems now’s the time to declare our independence from the corporate media entirely. We can start by watching Greenwald on Rumble:

Of course, readers of Common Sense with Paul Jacob have been following the decline of Joe Biden’s mind (such as it ever was) all along.

1 reply on “They Were Lying”

While the spell of corporate news-​reporting does leave people under-​informed and misinformed, it also encourages rôle-​playing.

The vast majority of Biden’s supporters have known, from before his election, that Biden’s mental capacity was somewhat diminished; and, after the election, they increasingly discerned that the impairment were significant. But they rôle-​played, because corporate news-​reporting encouraged them to do so. 

If the sole objective had been to displace Trump, then the better strategy would have been to treat Biden as a place-​holder. But, grasping for expected benefits from an Administration empowered by pretense, the rank-​and-​file rôle-​played as instructed. 

Now, Biden will suffer an engineered medical crisis and the rank-​and-​file will rôle-​play as-​if the candidate imposed upon them by their leadership is everything that they’ve always wanted, or Donald John Trump will return to the Oval Office; or perhaps both.

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