crime and punishment insider corruption international affairs

Hunter’s Pseudo-​Crime

Paul Jacob on the total scam that is this week’s big story, the Hunter Biden gun-​possession verdict.

Hunter Biden has been found guilty of buying a gun while being a crack addict.

Yes, that’s a federal crime.

The jury “heard testimony from Hunter Biden’s ex-​wife and former girlfriends,” UK’s Mirror explained yesterday, “and were shown photos of him with drug paraphernalia and other salacious evidence to make the case that he had lied when he checked ‘no’ on the form at a gun shop asking whether he was ‘an unlawful user of, or addicted to’ drugs.”

While the U.S. President’s son is guilty as charged, the prosecution was almost as bogus as Trump’s.

Rep. Thomas Massie (R‑Ky.) put it best, on X: “Hunter might deserve to be in jail for something, but purchasing a gun is not it. There are millions of marijuana users who own guns in this country, and none of them should be in jail for purchasing or possessing a firearm against current laws.”

Elon Musk, who owns X (ex-​Twitter), concurred: “I agree. He (and others) should be in jail for impugning the integrity of the United States by taking bribes for political favors, but not for this pseudo-crime.”

But pseudo-​crimes are what the Department of Justice, and your local lawfare Democratic prosecutors, specialize in. 

“They picked the gun charge because it was the only one not attached to Joe Biden,” explained Natalie F. Danelishen. “They also convicted Hunter Biden because they needed a fall guy so that Trump’s 34 felonies look less like political prosecution. Now ‘Justice’ seems fair. It’s a chess game.”

Exactly. No matter what the president says, or Merrick Garland says, or the talking heads on cable news say, it’s a scam.

Set Hunter free — and prosecute him, his uncle and his father for their evident corruption.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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9 replies on “Hunter’s Pseudo-​Crime”

I have every expectation that Hunter Biden will receive a Presidential commutation or pardon shortly — if not indeed immediately — after the polls close on 5 November. Moreover, I expect that, should the Democratic Presidential Nominee lose the upcoming election, multiple members of the Biden family will receive preëmptive Presidential pardons before the next inauguration, on an excuse that these pardons are to thwart purely malicious prosecutions by the incoming Republican Administration. 

Even without such pardons, the DoJ is so shot-​through with deep-​state corruption that any further prosecution of the Bidens would be sabotaged if a Republican wins.

Of the crimes that Hunter acknowledged committing just in the laptop that they finally acknowledged was legitimate, lying on a gun application wouldn’t even make the top 10.
Jill can now relinquish the presidency safely with Hunter pardoned, rather than risk being pushed out as the Democrats realize that he is too brain dead to make it. And it will make it too obvious that they stole it if they use the machines to cheat. Dangerous to do that too obviously because that would open up questions on lots of elections.
Posit that more than 2020 had the results “adjusted”.
Tweaking the final numbers is easy. Halderman showed that could be done in under 3 minutes just using a pen to poke inside the Dominion machines. The issue is always that there needs to be a large bank of registered voters that didn’t vote to data mine to create fictitious ballots to support the numbers. That’s why so many polls shut down in the middle of the night in 2020. They weren’t prepared for the enormity of Trump’s votes. Now they have a huge database of registered illegals, most of whom won’t commit a felony and vote, but whose names can be used to support the fictional results and the vast majority of them will never check and question why the record showed they voted.

Other people have been sent to prison for falsifying Form 4473.
Gun Dealers have lost their licenses over minor inconsistencies on Form 4473.
Why should Hunter be exempt?

The prosecution of Hunter Biden was Republican! A holdover that was appointed by Trump. No one other than Hunter Biden has been prosecuted like this unless the weapon has been used in the commission of a separate felony where the weapon was used.

This prosecution was by a Republican!

Trump falsified records to win the 2016 election!

US Attorneys, including David Weis, are recommended to the president by senators from their home state. Weis was nominated by Trump after he was recommended by US senators from Delaware.

Trump paid off an extortionist. Whatever ‘crime’ he committed was a misdemeanor and the statute of limitations had expired.

‘an unlawful user of, or addicted to’ drugs.”

Isn’t addiction permanent? Even if you kick the habit, be it alcohol or crack, you are still an addict. If lying on a federal form is okay, then why is this law even on the books? Remove that question. from the form.

Good point.

Actually, “addiction” used to have a more precise definition. It was made fuzzier to give an appearance of legitimacy to more social re-engineering. 

Back when I got a driver license in Oregon, admitting to clinical depression could result in being denied a license. The clerks advised applicants to lie.

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