Accountability government transparency national politics & policies


“This is about accountability, and about transparency,” said Rep. Andy Ogles (R‑Tenn.), at yesterday’s House Oversight Committee’s bipartisan press conference on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP’s) — “about holding the Deep State to task for their refusal to declassify information that the American people need to know, that Congress needs to know.”

He paints the same picture of the UAP/​UFO issue that has been rumored about for nearly 80 years: “Foreign objects are buzzing around in our airspace, and Joe Biden’s over 30 generals have not only been silent on the issue, but have yet to play ball with Congress.”

The tenor of the presser was summarized early by host Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R‑Fla.): “It is unacceptable that any mid-​level, unelected bureaucrat staffers can tell members of Congress that we are not allowed to access information about UAP’s.” 

Senator Chuck Schumer (D‑N.Y.) has pushed a disclosure procedure on the order of The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, but these representatives scorned that notion, arguing there remains too much secrecy surrounding the 1963 event in Dallas. 

“So, whether it’s little green men, American technology, or worse — technology from the CCP — we need to know,” insists Rep. Ogles.

“I think the American people have a simple question,” Jared Moskowitz (D‑Fla.) hazarded, “which is ‘if none of this exists, if this is all false, why, at every turn, are there people trying to stop the transparency and the disclosure? Why are folks who are in charge of committees, whether they are in the House or in the Senate, opposed to this disclosure?’ And it’s that point alone that piques the interest.”

Indeed it does. 

It’s time for the people to find out.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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2 replies on “If/​Why”

These Congress people are making reasonable points, but they’d need an Administration prepared to seek convictions against resistant bureaucrats if anything is to change. Would any candidate who might plausibly win the next Presidential Election effect that?

If the electorate, the real stakeholders and their representatives, are not provided with full and complete information, how can they be assumed to be able to perform their function of selecting leadership and guiding policy?
The deep state can exist and grow only because what is below the surface is hidden. It will protect itself and foster its growth by keeping as much information to itself as possible.
In our Republic government secrets should be essentially non-existent.
The reality is our representatives have converted themselves into the shepherds, and like the role regardless if the fact they are doing a very poor job in their adopted function.

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