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Will We Comply?

“To every COVID tyrant who wants to take away our freedom, hear these words,” intoned Donald J. Trump, eleven days ago, “we will not comply.”

The former president did not stop there: “So don’t even think about it. We will not shut down our schools. We will not accept your lockdowns. We will not abide by your mask mandates. And we will not tolerate your vaccine mandates.”

While Trump still boasts about his vaccine heroism, his supporters range from iffy to hostile on the subject. So Trump positions himself against mandates and for “freedom,” while in the past he was for masks and for lockdowns, as well as pushing the novel vaccines that cleverly (and perhaps dangerously) leveraged the spiked protein protuberances on SARS-​CoV‑2.

Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Fauci, whom Trump brought into the world conversation about the pandemic in 2020, is similarly trying to position himself with some trickiness and … care. 

Fauci foresees mask recommendations, but no mandates — but note that he focuses on what federal bureaucrats say and do, not on what governors in the states do under federal bureaucrats’ advisement. 

CNN’s Michael Smerconish interrogated Fauci about the many studies showing that masks are ineffective against respiratory diseases like COVID. 

Fauci’s reply? Against the big study cited here in February, Fauci mentioned “other studies,” lamely and unconvincingly. He admitted that, overall — as affecting the course of the pandemic — “the data” about mask efficacy have been “less strong.” But “on an individual basis of someone protecting themselves, or protecting themselves from spreading to others,” Fauci still insists “there’s no doubt that there are many studies” showing “an advantage.”

If you buy that, you’ll wear masks forever — or comply with anything.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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9 replies on “Will We Comply?”

Could you post your education credentials with respect to healthcare? You seem to be very knowledgeable on all aspects of healthcare!

I have said from the beginning this was never about health; it was, (and is) about control.
We didn’t follow their BS “mandates” then, and we will not this time either.

So the twice impeached, thoroughly indicted 45th president sees tyrants in the doctor’s office. It’s sort of like Fox News thinks they’re the underdog in the media world. And fundamentalist Christians think they’re being persecuted. We cannot make their Phantoms go away but we can constrain their actions!

He’s plainly co-​ideologic with her, and has a drive-​by style of attack; but he’s functioning too highly to be Pam, but Pam has become quiescent since he began commenting. (She’s only commented once or twice in the last few weeks.) I suspect that, because she was faring so poorly in argumentation, she asked one of her friends to step-in.

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