
Sir Samuel Garth

Ingratitude’s a weed in every clime,
It thrives too fast at first, but fades in time.

Sir Samuel Garth, Epistle to the Earl of Godolphin, L.27.

2 replies on “Sir Samuel Garth”

I think it is important here to get into the Nitty Gritty of what it was that the doctor was saying very specifically. It seems to me that we cannot allow individual Physicians to make a determination on what is best medical practice. Best medical practices determined by the medical community. There’s no way around that it seems to me. If we allow any harebrained dude with a narcissistic tendency to parade around as an authority on Medical Practice, caveat emptor!

You have a bad habit of replying to the content of one entry in the comments for another. 

You also have a bad habit of making assertions as if they are obvious, when they aren’t even correct. Best medical practice is not determined by any community as such; best medical practice is determined by scientific method, which a majority of the community of physicians has repeatedly ignored through the course of history.

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