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Dys Glitch

After some technical glitches in livestreaming Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s announcement of his presidential run, the snide tweets poured in.

“‘This link works,’ Biden posted on his Twitter account,” The Epoch Times attempted to regale us, “sharing a link to a donation page for his campaign as the DeSantis team and Twitter owner Elon Musk struggled to resolve the glitches plaguing their scheduled Twitter Spaces interview.” 

But the worst was also from The Biden — nobody believes that Joe himself is in charge of his own Twitter account — in which a few “positions” of DeSantis received mockery, leading popular YouTuber/​Rumblist Viva Frei to respond with “Is this really the best you could piece together? You couldn’t fragment the sentences more if you tried. Pathetic.”

And that’s really where we’re at. Newscasters and the Twitterati made much of the Twitter Space glitch, but not even Donald Trump, Jr., with his hashtag “#DeSaster,” did much more than weakly echo his father’s heyday on Twitter.

This is not 2016. 

Everybody seems tired.

There are a number of challengers, already, in the running to oust feeble Joe Biden. Donald Trump himself, of course, and now Ron DeSantis, whom we are told runs a distant second to the former president. Neither man seems likely to reach beyond the conservative half of the electorate. Only Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., a Democrat, offers much “newness,” and he’s afflicted by a hard-​to-​listen-​to cracked voice: spasmodic dysphonia, “a specific form of an involuntary movement disorder called dystonia that affects only the voice box.”

Metaphor for the race so far? There’s a lot of “dys” in the tone of our times, but it’s just not very profound. If the future weren’t at stake, one wouldn’t even bring it up.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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2 replies on “Dys Glitch”

I’ve not voted for a Presidential candidate since 1988; I do not expect to vote for any such candidate in 2024; I certainly won’t vote for anyone of whose candidacy I am presently aware. 

Mr Biden is of the sort who craves status and other power, but I don’t know that he would now be a candidate were no attention being paid to his criminal misdeeds and were Mr Trump not now a candidate. Mr Biden is more insulated from prosecution so long as the corporatist left must protect him in order to protect their position more generally. And Mr Trump would say humiliating things about Mr Biden if he did not accept a rematch. 

I do not expect Mr Kennedy would establish much traction, even were his speaking problem perfectly resolved. But, if he somehow becomes a real threat to the present leadership of the corporatist left, then he will be removed as were his father and uncle; with the purported killer or killers this time being described as a member or members of the “far right” or “alt-​right” or perhaps “ultra-​MAGA”.

Mr Trump can probably defeat Mr Biden; but, if the left realizes its dream of crushing Mr Trump decisively to-​morrow or the day after that, then the Republicans stand a better chance, with whichever candidate would then become their nominee. 

Mr DeSantis cannot himself wrest the nomination from Mr Trump unless Mr Trump makes some terrible misstep; rather, Mr DeSantis might fill the vacuum if Mr Trump is felled by some new woe, perhaps a medical condition. 

Mr Scott is likely trying to position himself to be the Vice Presidential nominee of the Republican Party. 

Prior to having been selected in 2016 as running mate by Mr Trump, Mr Pence was best known as a stiff social conservative whose political career seemed at an end. Since then, Mr Pence has alienated one large share of voters by his association with Mr Trump, and another by his disassociation from Mr Trump.

If anyone thinks the DNC intends to give RFK Jr, a chance to take the nomination for the Dems, I have a bridge for sale.
They have already said there will be no primary debates.

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