deficits and debt international affairs national politics & policies too much government

Debt for Pakistani Trans

Thirty-​two trillion dollars. That’s a lot of money we don’t have.

I checked the U.S. Debt Clock last night. The federal government was, at that time, $200 billion shy of owing that amount, $32 trillion.

It’s such a big number that it doesn’t seem real.

Maybe that’s why politicians ignore it. And keep spending, adding to it.

All spending that seems fishy contributes to that debt. But so, alas,does spending that a majority of Americans may want. When you are over-​spending, all spending contributes to the red ink.

Still, to witness elected government officials throw money around with reckless abandon is especially irksome. Consider all the taxes that pay for that debt, continually as well as eventually. And the misdirected investments that get derailed from productive activity just to fund that debt.

Today’s example of idiotic spending? A mere $500,000. Half a million bucks. Chump change — next to the trillions on budget lines.

So this half-​a-​million is slotted to go to Pakistan.

To train Pakistanis to speak, read and write in English.

But the kicker’s in the headline, courtesy of The Epoch Times: “Biden Earmarks $500,000 for Transgender Youth, Other Groups in Pakistan.” The blurb makes the obvious point I wish to drive home: “Biden ‘hell-​bent on spending money we don’t have,’ said Rep. Ralph Norman’s office.”

Biden’s prodigality will provide “intensive professional development courses for Pakistani transgender youth.”

The old saw about such foreign aid runs, “Don’t we have transgender youth in this country to help?”

But better to join Rep. Norman and point to the debt clock. And shake our heads.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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1 reply on “Debt for Pakistani Trans”

$32 trillion?
You wish!
If only. We are so far past that. The official debt internationally omits the unfunded liabilities. All the retirements and medical expenses that will be due as the aged age. Last time I calculated/​estimated, it was upwards of $220 trillion, with no end in sight. A rough way to envision the amount currently committed to be paid by our government is approximately 3 times all the money in all the existing economies in the world.
How is this possible?
Easy. It’s not. But rampant inflation, in addition to placating Soros, takes us inexorably closer to a collapse, whilst at the same time avoiding having to deal with it right now. Which perfectly satisfies the Democrat agenda and allows the politicians to continue spending for votes and campaign fund kickbacks.
So, while riding the decline, one might entertain oneself by conceptualizing just whose interests are going to be sacrificed first as we edge closer to collective collapse. And work on minimizing one’s exposure in that venue.
Complicated for most to try to figure what kind of country happens after and how to insulate oneself. Historically, people do the right thing once they figure out that it’s the last minute. Which I expect they will be motivated to do this time.
If there’s time.

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