general freedom ideological culture media and media people

Happier in the Moment?

When I express worry about children and teens being put through what we used to call “sex change” procedures, the push-​back often runs like this: 

  • this is not happening; 
  • you’re falling for a “moral panic”; 
  • stop listening to right-​wing propaganda!

But consult this video.

One interviewee who performs sex-​change surgery discusses the “informed consent” of 14-​year-​olds. This doctor acknowledges that many children who agree to puberty blockers and surgery — changing their bodies irreversibly — end up regretting it.

“We talk about it [with the kids] but most of the kids are nowhere in any kind of brain space to really talk about it in a serious way. That’s always bothered me,” he says. “But you know, we still want the kids to be happy. Happier in the moment, right?”

“It’s everything you have been told doesn’t happen,” says my friend David Strom in his report on the Project Veritas investigation (“Undercover video: puberty blockers at 8, surgery as young as 10 in New York”).

“It happens,” David writes. “Watch the doctors who do it explain that they do and that they are eager to do it to even pre-​adolescent children. Even admitting that the ‘science isn’t really settled,’ but hey, we’ll do it if you want.”

We don’t let kids do everything that adults may do because we know that it takes time for human beings to mature. Adults, too, may regret having undergone hormone blocking and genital surgery. But adults have the best chance, a real chance, to decide responsibly.

Peer-​pressured, doctor-​pressured, even legislature-​pressured, and perhaps very confused 14-​year-​olds, 12-​year-​olds, 10-​year-​olds … and 8‑year-​olds … don’t have the same chance to make an adult decision.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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4 replies on “Happier in the Moment?”

Essentially, the responses to you about children led to undergo surgeries, hormonal treatment, and chemical castrations are of the same general form as the responses of the everyday Nazis in Germany and in Austria when confronted with ugly reports about what was happening then and there. 

Later, they will claim “We did not know!” But everyday Nazis chose then and everyday Nazis choose now not to know.

Most will refuse to attend to the evidence at all. “It’s Project Veritas! What do you expect? Do you actually believe them?!? You’re a kook!

“We did not know! We did not know! Wir haben nicht gewusst!

Cavalierly treating puberty as an elective event that can be rescheduled whenever and however desired has multiple negative long term effects on health and longevity. “Puberty blocker” is a misnomer since it implies a benign convenience. Turns out that there is a window wherein puberty must occur in order to have good results. And the 4000 irreversible genetic sexual differences present at birth depend on that time in order to not have negative health effects on multiple organ systems.
Since we know that there is an ordinately high incidence of personality disorders in folks that embrace abnormal gender ideologies, that remains after their hormone manipulation and entrance into a life of perpetual surgeries, what about requiring that be treated first, since successfully doing so frequently makes that abnormal gender thing no longer an issue?

Hasn’t ‘science’ told us that the brain continues to develop up to about age 25? Doctors who advocate for this surgery on anyone under age 25 are violating the Hippocratic oath. Their patients did not have the ability to give informed consent and this surgery was elective. All professionals who enable this mutilation of children should permanently lose their license to practice medicine.

Bill Maher had the perfect analogy. He said when he was a kid “I wanted to be a pirate. Thank God no one scheduled me for eye removal and peg leg surgery.”

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