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Back in 2020, at the beginning of the COVID-​19 pandemic, Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton informed a Fox News audience that “just a few miles away from that food market [initially proposed as the epicenter of the outbreak] is China’s only biosafety level 4 super laboratory that researches human infectious diseases.”

The Senator’s mere suggestion that the fast-​spreading virus might have originated from a leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology labs — which were (a) known to be sloppy, and (b) doing U.S. funded gain-​of-​function research on coronaviruses — was immediately labelled a “debunked” “conspiracy theory” by The Washington Post (which has since corrected its story).

Some scientists and pundits also expressed outrage — erroneously — at Cotton’s “implication” that China had unleashed a bioweapon. In Cotton’s defense, he never said any such thing. 


When the lab leak theory made a comeback — after a year or more of Fauci & Co. colluding to snuff out the very thought — it seemed the one thing “we” somehow “knew” was that it certainly wasn’t a bioweapon.

Yet, unsure of its precise origin, how can we know that? 

“It matters little whether it was intentionally leaked from a lab or not,” Brian T. Kennedy, chairman of the Committee on the Present Danger: China, explained at a recent Hillsdale College speech, “what is clear is that they allowed it to spread throughout the world knowing the harm it would cause.”

The Chinese rulers did this both by covering up human transmission for many weeks and by knowingly allowing hundreds of thousands of Chinese to travel throughout the world spreading the new virus. That’s why Kennedy calls it “a biowarfare attack against the United States.” 

In his book, No Limits: The Inside Story of China’s War with the West, Andrew Small writes about a well-​placed Chinese friend who told him in January of 2020 that “the Chinese leadership had reached a decision: if China was going to take a hit from the pandemic, the rest of the world should too.”

With friends like China …

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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11 replies on “Bioweapon”

Proof? You have none! Zero!

But you keep harping in this. What would we do if everything you say is true? World War 3?

Get serious!

Pam, you have, in your partisan & naive way, provided the explanation for why people so readily resisted consideration of the evidence for a the Lab Leak Hypothesis: war. The coronavirus Lab Leak is so nearly an act of war that cowardly, fearful people cannot bear to consider it. 

And you, being a progressive of the most knee-​jerk sort, cannot imagine YOUR EXPERTS not merely being wrong but being duplicitous and even perfidious. Progressivism is all about rule by experts, and the rank-​and-​file progressives MUST trust them, or deal with a skirl of a cognitive dissonance, a siren song of dissonance.

Paul provided evidence, related testimony, and you say “Proof? You have none! Zero!” That is in itself quite a bald-​faced counter-​assertion, especially when you cite and challenge none of the proffered evidence, and when evidence for its opposite, the Zoonotic Origination Hypothesis, is, and always has been, precisely that: Zero. Were you aware of how fast the early links in the chain of infection of past epidemics were discovered? And how none have been trotted out to the world scientific community?

Tom Knapp, also in this comments section, repeatedly touted as highly likely your assumed Zoonotic Theory. But we haven’t seen his probability rule of thumb trotted out more recently, as the suppression of the CDC head and other scientists who pushed it early on became clear.

I am sort of amazed at people who adopt positions that favor ruling elites who possess the power to suppress ideas. I mean, you COULD be right, but my rule of thumb has it that people who need to suppress evidence rarely are right.

And what if everything Paul and you say is true? 

Start World War 3?

Paul didn’t have any evidence, just conjecture which is not evidence!

The only reason that the certification on the Wuhan hadn’t been revoked was because of intense political pressure.
Fauci knew that. It was part of his job to know that. He used them anyway. So arguably that should have been a crime, but was legal.
What also should have been a crime was for him to then profit from it by getting a royalty from every vaccination. Which IS illegal for federal employees at every other government job.
And he is still running bio-​labs in the Ukraine. Research on near incurable stuff, like Wuhan, but worse. In a normal world, it would be called bio-​weapons research, but that’s illegal per the international treaty that the US signed, so they call it something else.

You don’t have enough sense to get out of the rain. The Ukraine bio labs is a Russian hoax that is gobbled up by right-​wing idiots like you and Tucker Carlson (just fired by Fox). Fox spreads lies like a painter spreads paint! You are a first-​class idiot!

Samantha Putterman
By Samantha Putterman
June 15, 2022
The Pentagon didn’t ‘admit’ that there are 46 US-​funded biolabs in Ukraine

The United States government didn’t admit that there are 46 U.S.-funded biolabs in Ukraine.

The document referenced by far-​right and socialist websites repeats known information about 46 Ukrainian-​owned and ‑operated laboratories, health facilities and diagnostic sites that have received support from the U.S.

The government fact sheet specifically states that Ukraine “has no nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons programs.”

See the sources for this fact-check

The Pentagon released a new fact sheet about the government’s efforts to lessen the threat of weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine, Russia and other former Soviet countries — and internet conspiracy theorists took off running.

While the document largely repeats information about the programs’ accomplishments and efforts over the last several years, that didn’t stop some internet users from claiming that it contained a bombshell admission.

“US Department of Defense Finally Comes Clean – Admits in Public Document that There Are 46 US Military-​Funded Biolabs in Ukraine,” a June 12 Gateway Pundit headline read.

“US asked to explain after Pentagon admits to operating 46 biolabs in Ukraine after months of denial,” read another June 12 headline by the Morning Star, a socialist newspaper published in Great Britain.

But these are mischaracterizations. The document doesn’t contain any evidence — new or otherwise — of U.S. biolabs in Ukraine. 

The 46 facilities referenced in the articles and in the government’s fact sheet are owned and operated by Ukraine, and information about the facilities’ existence has been made publicly available by the Pentagon for some time.”

Mebbe Pam has insider info on US Under Secretary Victoria Nuland lying to Congress when she acknowledged it. We should find out if these Russian hoaxes are in the room with her.

The above commentary by Paul Jacob made no reference to the Ukrainian biolabs. Seems a reach to focus on that while other contentions remain clearly on the table.

It is likely that by the time China was aware of the problem and its infection capabilities the die had already been cast and universal exposure to the virus was inevitable.
If China was a true friend it would have been frank and honest, and the same can be said of our government.
Judgments of both should be made with the same standard.

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