government transparency international affairs

No Reason?

“Are we ever going to find out the truth of where COVID-​19 came from?” Sophie Raworth, host of the BBC’s Sunday Morning, asked Dr. Anthony Fauci recently.

“Given the fact that there are such restrictions on ability to really investigate it,” the chief medical adviser to the president admitted, “I’m not sure.” Still, Fauci argued, “the data are accumulating over the last few months much more heavily weighted that this was a natural occurrence from an animal species.”

“However,” he added, “we must keep an open mind.” 

Is Fauci’s mind open? His “data” argument is ridiculous bull

Raworth then pointed out that World Health Organization “investigators” who traveled to Wuhan “were prevented from seeing key details and from speaking to key people. Why do you think the Chinese government did that?” 

“You know,” replied Fauci, “I don’t want to create any or mention any disparaging remarks about that.”


“But the Chinese are very closed, in a way of being very reluctant, particularly when you have a disease that evolves in their country,” he went on, “they become extremely secretive — even though there is no reason to be secretive.”

No reason? How does Dr. Fauci know that the genocidal totalitarian Chinese Communist Party has no motive behind their opaque response to the origin of COVID-​19 (about which, remember, he has a completely open mind)?

“So, when they see something evolving in their own country,” Fauci explained, “they tend to have a natural reflex of not necessarily covering things up but of not being very open and transparent.” 

Get that? A completely innate thing, totally unavoidable.

Fauci himself has long seemed “closed, in a way very reluctant” on the subject. Why? Not because “the disease” “evolved” in his labs, but because he and his colleagues outsourced work on bat coronaviruses to China.

Both parties have every reason to be … less than transparent.

With no Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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4 replies on “No Reason?”

Most human infectious diseases are “zoonotic” — that is, they jump from other animals to humans. And a large number of them seem to do so in China (for example, that seems to be where most new strains of influenza originate in birds, pigs, etc.).

I’m aware of precisely one incident in which a disease from the wild was likely “weaponized” in a lab and then released into the human population. That was in the US — the anthrax attacks of 2001.

So Occam’s Razor says COVID-​19 most likely got here by the usual route thousands of diseases have taken throughout human history, not the route that has been taken a grand total of one time ever.

Does that mean the “lab leak” hypothesis is false? No. It just means that it’s MOST LIKELY false.

The first step to proving it would be to turn it from a hypothesis into a theory. The latter is something that could be tested and, if false, disproven.

One reason that can’t be done is that the Chinese regime are no more likely to let “international investigators” into the Wuhan Virology Institute than the US regime would be to let “international investigators” into the labs at Fort Detrick if there was a flu outbreak in Maryland that spread to other countries. Regimes keep their secret stuff secret whether that stuff has any bearing on something else or not, and China is especially secretive about many things. Its refusal to open up its facilities may seem suspicious, but it’s not evidence of anything but the CCP’s general demeanor.

The grand sum total of actual evidence for the lab leak hypothesis is that some people really, really, really, really want it to be true. It’s not those people’s fault that further evidence, if it exists, can’t be gathered. But the fact that, if it exists, it can’t be gathered is not itself evidence that it does exist.

Unlike birds and pigs, which live in close proximity to humans, the horseshoe bat, the species that carries this virus, lives in the wild hundreds of miles away from Wuhan. It would likely not have been in the animals sold in the wet market. It’s doubtful that it would have made it to Wuhan absent human intervention. The humans working in the virology lab are probably the main culprits. That doesn’t mean it was intentionally released but there is no denying their experiments with this virus made it deadly to humans. The US had stopped funding gain of function research here, so Fauci sent the money to China? What was the point of such experiments except to create a potential bioweapon?

Fauci’s minimization of Chinese secrecy is infuriating. Where is the difference between ‘covering things up’ and ‘not being very open and transparent’ ?

As I have said in a reply to a previous comment by Mr Knapp, probabilities are contextual. The probability of this event coming from a lab leak in a city with a biolab that researched SARS is simply nothing like the probability of it coming from a lab leak in a city without a biolab. Nor is the presence of such a biolab the only feature of the context that argues for a lab leak. 

Ockham’s Razor argues for a lab leak, though not beyond all reasonable doubt.

Wouldn’t it be interesting if someone would obtain a supply of Sodium Pentothal and had a few hours with Fauci.
Among others.

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