First Amendment rights social media

Tracking Big-​Tech Attacks

Instagram is further restricting what users may say in direct messages, and the company will eject any user who utters hate speech. Instagram will also provide information about account holders to UK police.

But what is hate speech? 

Nasty utterances that we’d all agree are hateful. Sure. But it also appears to be disagreeing with someone about “gender identity” or supporting Melania Trump. In other words, “hate speech” is whatever offends the authoritarian sensibilities of whoever operates the delete-​account button at the social-​media giants.

A lot of this has been happening lately.

YouTube has deleted the YouTube channel of LifeSiteNews, a Christian news outlet. 

YouTube and Facebook have banned a documentary about pandemic policies called “Planet Lockdown,” and GoFundMe has cancelled a fundraising campaign for the film.

China will start accrediting reporters based on their social media histories, and it will penalize companies who employ unaccredited reporters. “Citizen journalists” (people with cell phones) will also have to be accredited.

Every day, tyrannical governments and their private-​sector allies — the big-​tech hall monitors now dropping all pretense of providing neutral forums — act to smother discussion and dissent on the net. In self-​defense, we need to know about these anti-​speech efforts. But keeping track is a big job. 

Fortunately, ReclaimTheNet is doing this big job for us. Its regular e‑letter (subscribe here) reprints the latest stories published on their website. 

This job has to be outsourced, as far as I am concerned. Were I to report on all of it here, I wouldn’t be able to talk about anything else.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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5 replies on “Tracking Big-​Tech Attacks”

Pretty soon the only ones who are going to be left on fakebook, twatter, insta???, et​.al., will be the wacky left talking to each other.

So much for freedom of speech. It’s dead in this country.

People can spin it by saying these are private companies. So is the telephone company. Can I be denied service because they reviewed my bill and decided I was communicating with the ‘wrong’ people?
I do the only thing I can: avoid using these ‘social media services’.

Tough! These are private companies and can ban whomever they want. There are still plenty right-​wing nuts on Facebook, etc. And freedom of speech only applies to government control of speech.

And doesn’t this site ban those who disagree with Paul? 

Pot, kettle!!

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