media and media people

The Uninvestigated


We have long relied upon journalists in major media to cover actual news. And investigate leads to juicy stories of major import to clear up confusion.

But the mainstream media has become mainly propagandistic: “journalists” today rarely “report,” they propound and pontificate. And help spread disinformation for major political factions.

Is it really that bad?

Well, one way to test how bad is to track juicy news leads that get left unexplored.

In June I commented on Harvard’s Dr. Charles Lieber, arrested and charged with not reporting his activities with the Chinese at the Wuhan labs — which have been associated with SARS-​CoV‑2. In October, Lieber sued Harvard for not backing him up in his legal troubles with the U.S. Government.

There could be a huge story here. Or maybe a mere bureaucratic snafu.

But it is not “in” the news; I cannot find any decent reporting on it.

From the beginning, the idea that the virus could have been grown in a lab “to help discover new vaccines” (or even as a cultivated bioweapon) has been a real possibility.

A year after its public acknowledgment, there is still disagreement.

While we expect reporters to dig deep, instead we see a plethora of premature declarations — as at egregious “fact-​checking” sites — that the matter is settled. “Leading researchers have debunked this notion,” as Snopes confidently stated in February. But since then, the origins of the pandemic have remained murky. And allegations of bioweaponry keep re-appearing.

The World Health Organization is on the ground in Wuhan now, investigating.


Long past time for American reporters to get on the beat.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

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4 replies on “The Uninvestigated”

Not only do they not report, they do everything they can to de-​platform, censor, and eliminate any media sources that try to ask the real questions.

And what if reporters finally did ‘get on the beat’?
Why should anyone believe them? Trust has been broken. Nothing they say can ever again be taken at face value. Show us the documentation. Put your sources on the record. A ‘news’ story with only anonymous sources is tantamount to gossip.

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