
Townhall: Too, Too Much


Recapitulating the Thursday and Friday Common Sense outings, Paul Jacob’s weekend column for Townhall is well worth checking out. And then coming back here for a little extra.

  • Curious about the memorial service? Click here.
  • The chief’s statement, here.
  • Fast and … what? (Obama’s first scandal.)
  • The Feds keep driving civil asset forfeiture. Yikes.
  • The death toll and incarceration rates in the War on Drugs are astounding.
  • “These Are the Times,” at Townhall.

1 reply on “Townhall: Too, Too Much”

From Paul’s Townhall piece: “Not to mention that ending civil asset forfeiture by the Feds is an executive order actually within his constitutional power.”

We couldn’t possibly have that; it would set a horrible precedent. The next thing one might come to expect would be that he limit himself to things authorized by the Constitution on a more frequent basis.

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