
Townhall: The Next Emperor


Trump and America, the plot thickens! Click on over to Townhall. Then come back here for more clues.

1 reply on “Townhall: The Next Emperor”

Trump is Obama 2016…
Like Obama, he is largely a media creation.
Like Obama, he is an arrogant, self-​aggrandizing, bully, with a tenuous relationship to the truth.
Like Obama, he acts like a sulky obnoxious petulant adolescent.
Like Obama, he cares only about himself, not those he seeks to govern.
Like Obama, he has nothing in common with Conservatives.
Like Obama, he makes extravagant promises he knows he cannot fulfill.
Like Obama, he is not even remotely what his “fans” think he is.
Like Obama, he is totally unprepared for the office he is running to hold.

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