individual achievement initiative, referendum, and recall tax policy

The Lion of Oregon


When I think of Oregon, I often think of Don McIntire. Last Friday, 74-​year-​old Don died from a heart attack suffered at home.

I knew him as a great storyteller, with a Mark Twain sort of wit. But McIntire was best known in the Beaver State as a longtime taxpayer activist, specifically the main proponent of Measure 5, a 1990 citizen initiative that limited the state’s oppressive property taxes.

Then-​Governor Barbara Roberts hyperbolically predicted that if voters passed Measure 5, “people would die.” Nonetheless, voters enacted the citizen initiative … and lived to tell about it.

Learning of McIntire’s passing, Jason Williams with Oregon Taxpayers United recalled the many phone calls he’d received from senior citizens, expressing their “heartfelt gratitude for Measure 5” and saying, “If it wasn’t for Don McIntire, I wouldn’t be able to live in my home today.”

Radio talk show host Lars Larson recognized McIntire as “a tax hero to millions of Oregonians whose taxes were reduced by literally billions of dollars because of the tireless efforts of this man.”

“Don McIntire was a giant in Oregon’s limited government movement,” said Cascade Policy Institute founder Steve Buckstein. “He gave tirelessly of himself for literally decades to reign in the government he thought was too large and too intrusive.… Every Oregonian who wants to keep government in check owes Don McIntire a huge debt of gratitude.”

Thanks, Don, for siding with taxpayers. Rest in peace.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

5 replies on “The Lion of Oregon”

From Lars Larson: “He advocated for limited government, free markets, and personal liberty for Americans. Don spent his own time, his own money and his blood, sweat and tears on ballot measures that improved the lives of Oregonians…many of whom never met the man or knew him.”

Thank you for the column and thoughts about Don McIntire. It’s very touching that the older folks were able to remain in their homes.

Paul, Are you aware that NH has a Constitutional Amendment for the voters 11/​6 that outlaws implementing a STATE INCOME TAX.
I am still doing Weirs Times column and radio program (6 days a week!).
You are always welome as a guest. Just let meknow.
Niel Young

Niel — would love to come on the radio. Yes, I am aware of that amendment, which would be a huge victory for taxpayers.

I was in my late teens, living in the L.A. suburbs, when California’s Proposition 13 was passed by the voters. I know that my parents were realistically in fear of having to sell their home- built in a nice neighborhood before values rose dramatically- because the ever rising property taxes were on track to make staying unaffordable. We had Howard Jarvis and Paul Gann fighting for us. Now, having recently moved to Oregon, I am just learning how this state had its own taxpayer’s hero, Mr. Don McIntire. Sad that I only learned of him at his passing. But I am a living example of what he stood for, along with Jarvis and Gann. My late parents’ home is still in the family only because we don’t have to pay the outrageous property taxes that would apply if not for Prop 13. We remain grandfathered. As one who may buy property in Oregon at some point, I now know that I have much to thank Mr. McIntire for.

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