national politics & policies too much government

Freedom First Aid Kit


After a year-​long battle, congressional Democrats have rammed through Obamacare, a massive expansion of government control over the health care industry and a massive assault on the liberties of every doctor, patient, insurance agent, and taxpayer in the country.

But the issue is far from settled. So, let’s use this lull in the news cycle shelling to pass a little ammunition. Herewith, a first-​aid kit for medical freedom-​lovers in the form of an overview of resources to help us understand and join the coming battle to repeal Obamacare. And to prevent even worse. 

We lost a major battle for medical freedom. But the war is only beginning.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

6 replies on “Freedom First Aid Kit”

[…] Common Sense with Paul Jacob — Brought to You by Citizens in Charge Foundation » Archive » Freedom… thisiscommonsense​.com/​?p=5772 – view page – cached After a year-​long battle, congressional Democrats have rammed through Obamacare, a massive expansion of government control over the health care industry and a massive assault on the liberties of every doctor, patient, insurance agent, and taxpayer in the country. Tweets about this link Topsy.Data.Twitter.User[‘america1first’] = {“location”:“USA”,“photo”:“”,“name”:“SteveTaff”,“url”:“”,“nick”:“america1first”,“description”:“America for Americans — First”,“influence”:“”}; america1first: “Common Sense with Paul Jacob — Brought to You by Citizens in … http://​bit​.ly/c578H2 ” 6 minutes ago view tweet retweet Filter tweets […]

States are forced sue the Federal Government because thay have no say in the Federal Government. We should be demanding the repeal of the 17th Amendment which skewed the balance of power in favor of the Federal Government. If tghe state legislatures appointed the Senators as THEIR representatives in Washington, the states would have a say in the operation of the Government like the Founders intended.

Are you proposing to repeal my Medicare? Is Medicare
part and parcel to my losing my freedom? How so?
Worth a column. B. Stark

First, I pled a whole lotta ignorance. Certainly, I have not read the 2400 page document that is being called “Obamacare”. However, I have the impression that it is going to be cheaper for Americans without insurance to pay the fine rather than purchase insurance. That doesn’t make much sense… but not much coming out of DC makes much sense.

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