initiative, referendum, and recall term limits

The Untold Story of the Oklahoma Three


Receiving an award is a lot nicer than ten years in prison.

As regular listeners know, Rick Carpenter, Susan Johnson, and I were indicted by Oklahoma Attorney General Drew Edmondson on trumped-​up, politically-​motivated charges stemming from a petition drive to cap state government spending.

For almost two years this indictment hung over our heads. In all that time, the AG never even completed our preliminary hearing. Finally, all charges were dropped.

That vindication came in January. The next month, at the Conservative Political Action Conference, I received the Charlton Heston “Courage Under Fire” Award. And just weeks ago, I was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Sam Adams Alliance for my Oklahoma fight as well as decades of work for term limits and citizen initiative rights.

The recognition is nice … for my whole family, who suffered alongside me these past two years. But let’s also remember my co-​defendants, Rick and Susan.

At one point Edmondson offered Susan Johnson a deal. If she would only plead guilty — saving face for the Attorney General — she would be charged with a misdemeanor, and her record would quickly be expunged.

With her legal bills mounting and her business hammered by the prosecution, she didn’t blink. Instead, she told the AG: “No way.”

Her commitment to doing the right thing led to an important legal victory. She gets my Award for Quiet Courage.

This is Common Sense. I’m Paul Jacob.

9 replies on “The Untold Story of the Oklahoma Three”

As a fellow campaign organizer I too am so proud of Susan. I came up in this profession having high regards for her already and she has shown herself a woman of integrity. I hope and know her business will come back strong and I stand with her in our efforts to self monitor our industry and get great issues on the ballot. Congrats on your awards PJ !!!!

Congratulations. You all desereved an award for sticking to your guns. I don’t know that I could have held out that long against those goons. I’d like to think that maybe government will learn from this, but unfortunately others will try the same or similar things again and again and the battles will go on as long as we have people like you three going to bat for us. Again, thanks, Lyle R. Rolfe

NOW! It is time that “We the People” do something to the prosecutors, because “Nobody” is above the law.

Conspiracy against rights is what I call the actions of the Prosecutor just find a co-​defendant and you have him on Westlaw s241 conspiracy against rights and that means up to 10 years of prison. The FBI should be able to help you.

In February, the Repulicans took control of the House and Senate. Edmondson has been quiet since then. I don’t think he is even considering running for govenor anymore. Thank goodness.

Congratulations on the Sam Adams award! Thank you for your continuing devotion, not just to political matters, but to your family (which is what really matters the most).

Thanks for your insight and courage. Once these become a part of a man’s character, they are permanently fixed. I recently wrote the book, Can These Bones Live, showing how America was founded as a Christian nation. If people REALLY knew, more would stand. Blessings!

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